2025 Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book
2025 Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book
Lunar Wisdom for Success, Prosperity & Happiness
For 120 years, this bestselling almanac has been an essential guide for millions of astrologers, gardeners, and laypeople alike. With it, you can find the best times to schedule all your events and activities, such as:
Planting & Harvesting • Adopting a Pet • Medical Treatments • Romance • Traveling • Breaking a Habit • Getting Married • Buying a Car • Settling Legal Matters • Starting a New Job • Brewing Beer • Losing Weight • Fishing
This essential planner also suggests ways to overcome challenges and live a more spiritual life. You’ll enjoy fascinating articles on solar-lunar aspects, phenology, backyard grape growing, the astrological importance of the Moon’s dark spots, and more. Filled with dozens of tips on supporting your health and improving your home, this book helps you connect to the Moon’s energy whenever you need it.
- Detailed weather predictions for each region
- Weekly pages featuring advice for growing fruits and vegetables
- Best dates for relationships, business, and finances
- A monthly lunar aspectarian with Moon tables
- Economic forecasts
“Crystals for the Zodiac – an excerpt from Crystals Beyond Beginners by Margaret Ann Lembo
When it comes to which stones are associated with the zodiac sign, there could be as many opinions as there are gemologists, authors, astrologers, and metaphysicians! Of course, that’s an exaggeration, but many practitioners have their own take on which gemstones are associated with which zodiac sign. Always remember that intention is everything. When you choose a stone to correspond with your zodiac sign for self-knowledge and self-realization, you have many choices available to you, not just one as you may have once assumed.
In this chapter, I match up the astrological signs with some of their vibrationally matching gemstones. This information and insight are based on more than three decades of study with many different teachers from different traditions. When determining the associations, I consider the way the mineral grows, the color, chakra qualities, the stone’s geometrics, and how the geometric formation relates to the qualities of the astrological sign.
Also, remember that there’s more than one astrological influence in everyone’s natal charts (also called a birth chart, a map of where the planets were at the moment of one’s birth). We are each so much more than our Sun signs, which you are probably most familiar with. The planets’ placement in the astrological chart houses and the zodiac signs all come together to create your blueprint of unlimited potential. How you use the energies is always up to you.”