All creatures are interconnected. When an animal, insect, bird, or other creature from nature appears repetitively pay attention. Find the message that nature is bringing you. Learn through observing a particular animal totem and their habits and patterns. For example, parrot medicine can teach us to see life from another perspective as we mimic the wise ones who have walked on the path before us. Mouse medicine teaches us to scrutinize all the details before taking action.
Gemstones and crystals
The associated gemstone for each animal totem is a further indication of the energy of the animal as symbolism and a teaching on your sacred journey. Crystals, minerals, and stones hold the history of the Earth. Crystals can help to evolve your soul and spirit. The color and the way stones grow in the Earth can help you learn more about yourself. Through inner reflection, you will understand the messages and clues.
Symbolism as a guide
Margaret Ann Lembo shows how there is symbolism in all around offering clues to light your path. Exploring 88 gems, stones, and crystals and 88 different animal allies, she details the spiritual connections of crystal vibrations and animal medicine, providing you with a deeper understanding of the interconnected energies of everything around us. She shows how the spiritual fulfillment you seek is available to you in so many ways and this path of working with gemstones and animal medicine is just one of many.
Work with Margaret Ann’s deck, Animal Allies and Gemstone Guardians Cards, to improve your connection with animal medicine.
Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening; The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing; Archangels & Gemstone Guardians Cards, and many more. Margaret Ann’s upcoming book, The Essential Guide to Everyday Angels will be available in September 2020. Margaret Ann is an evolutionary aromatherapist, the creator of Smudge in Spray, and the owner of The Crystal Garden — the conscious living store of the Palm Beaches established 1988.
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