Art Of Psychic Protection
Do you suffer from nightmares? Are you a therapist or a healer? Your physical immunity is not the only thing that needs an occasional boost/ sometimes your psychic immunities need extra protection from invading energies, too. The simple and effective psychic protection tools explained in this book include visualizations, flower remedies, gems and talismans, as well as practical advice for avoiding psychic compromises.
Judy Hall has constructed a manual that is as accessible to beginners as it is useful to those who regularly venture into the spirit realm. The basic exercises can aid anyone in day-to-day living, and the more advanced techniques are indispensable preparations for activities such as meditation, out-of-body experiences, and channeling. The Art of Psychic Protection is thoughtfully written, employing guided imagery techniques to facilitate mastery of the exercises, but also incorporates optional methods for nonvisual readers. Even if you don’t plan on traveling astrally, this book can be a useful guide to protecting yourself from the spiritual pitfalls of everyday life.
About the Author:
A natural psychic, Judy Hall was trained in metaphysics and esoteric healing by the Western mystic Christine Hartley. Hall is a former counselor with the College of Psychic Studies in London, and has been running psychic development, karmic astrology, and past life exploration groups for more than 20 years. She is the author of many books and she lives in London.
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