Black Agate
Black Agate
Color: Black
Chakra(s): Root
About the stone: Black agate is silicon dioxide forming microcrystalline quartz.
Astrological sign(s): Capricorn
Mohs scale: 4
Spiritual uses: beneficial to establish a protective shield when offering spiritual counseling, tarot card readings, channeling, automatic writing, and any other modality that opens you up to psychic influences.
Mental uses: This stone helps provide mental focus, grounding, and the ability to stay on task.
Emotional uses: it is is beneficial for releasing any fear.
This stone helps you identify and heal the source of physical toxins by increasing your awareness of what needs to be cleared out in order to achieve and maintain good health.
Physical uses: This is a perfect stone for an entrepreneur and helps the self-employed gain confidence and endurance to stay in business. It deflects negative energy stemming from psychic attacks.
Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones. (Llewellyn. 2013)by Margaret Ann Lembo
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