Blue Calcite Heart Large
Blue Calcite Heart Large
Affirmation: I am impeccable with my word. I speak with love and kindness. I communicate softly regardless of what I need to express. I powerfully express with loving kindness. Love vibrates through the sounds that come through me.
Astrological sign(s): Aquarius, Pisces
Mohs scale: 3
Spiritual uses: Calcite’s sky-blue energy aligns you with the celestial, spirit, and angelic realms. It helps you focus on astrological or metaphysical pursuits and other visionary pursuits.
Mental uses: Blue Calcite Heart makes you more aware of how you say things and what you say so that you can employ “word patrol” as necessary.
Emotional uses: Blue calcite, with its calming pastel-blue energy, chills out your angst when raw emotions run rampant and shift your perspective to peaceful acceptance. Blue calcite helps you to voice your feelings through conversation, song, or writing. It helps you change how you communicate your feelings.
Physical uses: Blue Calcite Heart is helpful if you make a career change involving metaphysics, New Age, or other spiritual pursuits.
Divine guidance: Do you have an affinity for metaphysics, spirituality, astrology, and other associated arts? You are a natural. You have inherent abilities to hear, see, and know messages from the spirit world. It’s time to use these natural gifts in your daily life.
Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones (Llewellyn. 2013)
by Margaret Ann Lembo