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Bumblebee Jasper Cabachon


Bumblebee Jasper supports grounded spirituality and unlimited possibilities

Choose from:


  • Bumblebee Jasper Cabachon small
  • Bumblebee Jasper Oval Flat
  • Bumblebee Jasper Teardrop Cabachon
  • Bumblebee Jasper Cabachon Large

Bumblebee Jasper 


  • Bumblebee Jasper Cabachon small
  • Bumblebee Jasper Oval Flat
  • Bumblebee Jasper Teardrop Cabachon
  • Bumblebee Jasper Cabachon Large

Location: Around the crown of the head

Musical Note: B

Essential Oils: Benzoin, frankincense, helichrysum, sandalwood

Keywords: Access to higher consciousness and subconsciousness, higher intuition, miracle worker, magician, open to the Divine

Physical Body: Brain, nervous system, pituitary gland, the pineal gland

  • Grounded Spirituality
  • Allows one to laugh heartily and to comprehend the games of this world
  • a stone of unlimited possibilities
  • Protective and grounding which is beneficial when opening the upper chakras



The improvement of our intuitive energy centers increases the potentiality of self-realization and movement to an enlightened status. The fulfillment of personal potential gives birth to unlimited possibilities. This unlimited potential expands into the realms of the mystical and esoteric. These spiritual gifts are latent within everyone, and it is up to each of us to awaken the talents. These gifts are vibrationally located within the crown chakra. Make a clear intention as to why you want to improve yourself and how it will serve you and especially how it will serve others. We each have the mystical qualities of a magician, a miracle worker, an ascended master, and so on. What will you choose?

 Excerpted from Chakra Awakening . (Llewellyn. ) by Margaret Ann Lembo


Weight .4 oz
Dimensions 1.75 × 1.125 × .25 in


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