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Chakra Mala


Chakra Mala

108 beads 8mm

contains: garnet (root), carnelian (navel), yellow aventurine (solar plexus), green aventurine (heart), blue beryl (throat), lapis lazuli (third eye), and amethyst (crown) prayer beads with tassel

Mala Beads are also known as a Japa mala or mala is a string of prayer beads commonly used in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Shintō, and other traditions for the spiritual practice known in Sanskrit as Japa. They are similar to other forms of prayer beads used in various world religions and are sometimes referred to in English as a “rosary”. – Wikipedia

The 7 Chakras

Making a conscious connection with the chakras with the intention of balancing and aligning them with each other provides an avenue for balancing various aspects of your life. It is beneficial to meditate on each of the chakras using visualization to spin off what you no longer need and replace that with goodness, love, and well-being.

Read more about the 7 chakras, crystals and gemstones in The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones (Llewellyn. 2013) by Margaret Ann Lembo

Availability: 3 in stock

Chakra Mala

Mala Beads are also known as a Japa mala or mala is a string of prayer beads commonly used in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Shintō, and other traditions for the spiritual practice known in Sanskrit as Japa. They are similar to other forms of prayer beads used in various world religions and are sometimes referred to in English as a “rosary”. – Wikipedia

The 7 Chakras

The use of color is a powerful tool for bringing balance into our lives. It is a vital part of our body, mind, and spirit. According to some Eastern philosophies, chakras are the energy centers that comprise our energy field. These energy centers are responsible for regulating the functions of many levels of our being.

There are seven main chakras:

  1. The first chakra is the root chakra. Its basic color is red. This energy center is located at the base of the spine and is responsible for our basic needs. This is where we store our vital energy for
    providing food, shelter, and water for ourselves. It is the base of Maslow’s pyramid. These are our very basic needs, and money is strongly associated with this center.
  2. The second chakra is the navel or sacral chakra. Its main color is orange. It is obviously located at the navel. This is the center for reproduction and creativity. We often store emotional memories in this center. It is a center that allows us to create and take action in our lives.
  3. The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra, and it is located at the solar plexus (the area of the body between the belly button and the center of the chest). The main color associated with the chakra is yellow. This is the place of joy, personal power, self-confidence, mental clarity, and the ability to shine our light.
  4. The fourth chakra is the heart center. This chakra is green and/or pink. It is located in the center of the chest. This center is the bridge between the lower three chakras of the physical, mundane world and the upper chakras of the spiritual world. This is the part of us where our true self resides; the “Love That We Are.” It is where and how we integrate that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.
  5. The fifth chakra is the throat center. This chakra is blue (like the color of the sky) or turquoise. This center is located at the throat and provides us with the ability to communicate and express ourselves. This is not exclusively our verbal expression, but also the way we express ourselves in the world, including writing, speaking, singing, cooking, or however else we may express who and what we are.
  6. The sixth chakra is the third eye center. This chakra is indigo blue. It is located in the center of the forehead. This is the location of our ability to see the unseen, know the unknown, and hear what is not being said. It is the place of intuition, knowing, and dreaming.
  7. The seventh chakra is the crown chakra. The color associated with the crown ranges from golden white light to a violet flame. This is the place of higher intuition, channeling, and connection with divine consciousness. This is the place where our connection to miracles resides.

Read more about the 7 chakras, crystals and gemstones in The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones (Llewellyn. 2013) by Margaret Ann Lembo

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 3 × 2 × 1 in


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