Charcoal Quick Lighting Briquettes (Roll of 10 – 40mm briquettes)
Made in Holland of high-quality European hardwood
Three Kings charcoal briquettes ignite easily, are odorless, and have a smooth, long and even burn.
Quick lighting briquettes are ready for use as soon as 1 minute after lighting and last for between 30 and 60 minutes. For burning loose sage and resin incense.
These charcoal briquettes are intended to use to burn sage, smudge, and resins like frankincense or copal.
” Smudging is the traditional spiritual practice of clearing away negative thoughtforms (the manifestation of mental energy) and other negative vibrations with the smoke of burning herbs, typically dried sage. The sage used for smudging is usually either high desert sage or white wide-leaf sage and is often bound into a bundle called a smudge stick. Other dried herbs, such as cedar, are sometimes added to the bundle as well. Loose dried herbs and resins (like incense sticks) can also be used for smudging.”
” How to Smudge
You can use either a ready-made smudge stick, make your own smudge stick, or use loose herbs. Smokeless alternatives are also available and will be discussed a little later. To use loose herbs for smudging, you will need herb-burning charcoal discs as well as a dish to hold the burning herbs. Abalone shells are often used for this purpose since they are sturdy and represent the element air. When a shell is used, the vibration of all four elements—earth, fire, air, and water—is present. (The dried herbs represent earth, the burning embers represent fire, and the smoke represents air.) When all four elements are working together, the cleansing effects are magnified.
Place one piece of charcoal in the dish, or shell, and ignite one section of it. Wait until the whole piece of charcoal has ignited, then add your herbs or herbal blend. If you are using a smudge stick, light one end of the stick and allow the edges to begin smoldering and letting off smoke. Hold the stick over a dish, or more preferably over an abalone shell for the full effect, to catch any wayward embers. The herbs only need to smolder. They should not be on fire after the initial lighting. Again, use caution, and practice mindfulness for fire safety.”
Read more about smudging and burning resins in All About Smudging by Margaret Ann Lembo
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