Crystals Beyond Beginners
Deepen your knowledge of crystals, gemstones, and rocks and learn how to put their power to work for you. Margaret Ann Lembo guides you in using these amazing tools to take your practice with crystals to the next level.
With this comprehensive book, you’ll learn how to use crystals for:
- Career Support
- Specific Intention
- Healing
- Alignments
- Grids
- Spiritual Insight
- Mindful Manifestation
- Smudging
- Cord Cutting
- Chakras
- Aroma-Energetic Mists
- Crystal Intention Pouches
- Numerology
- Astrology
- …And More
Through exercises, affirmations, and in-depth guidance, Crystals Beyond Beginners teaches you how to fully incorporate crystals into your daily life and unlock your greatest potential.
“Everything is energy, and all energy has a vibration. Crystals also have energy and vibration, and their vibration is based on the stoneโs color and the manner in which the stone formed in the earth. Each and every stone has a spiritual component to help you further develop your spiritual connection. Likewise, each stone has a mental use that aids in maintaining mental focus and clarity, and emotional use that can help you deal with feelings and unblock underlying challenges, and physical uses that range from supporting the healing of your physical body to helping you fulfill your physical needs such as money and career.” Excerpt from Crystals Beyond Beginners
For detailed information and great photos of gemstones and crystals, read Margaret Ann’s book, The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones.