Drumming Circle: A Saturday Morning Release and Renewal
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Presenter: Margaret Ann Lembo
Dates: Saturday, July 20
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Location: In-person at The Crystal Garden in Boynton Beach, FL
Price: $29 prepayment required, non-refundable. Maximum 6
Please Note: This event starts before the store is open, you must be ON TIME in order to get in. Everyone will be back in the Angel Room and there won’t be anyone to open the door or answer the phone after 11:00.
The first drumming round is dedicated to removing what you don’t want. The second round of drumming creates your new reality. Write a list of intentions and bring it with you.
“Drums and rattles are excellent tools for clearing energy and shifting one’s personal energy. The use of these instruments provides an avenue to release excess or stagnant energy. The banging of the drum and the shaking of a rattle literally shakes up the energy. It can be compared to shaking out or beating a rug to get the dirt out. In this case, beating a drum or shaking a rattle shakes out what we no longer need or want from the mental body, emotional body and spiritual body, as well as our physical body. When we drum with intention, it adds another beneficial layer to the equation.
I have facilitated many drumming circles over the past two decades. At the start of a drumming circle, participants state their intentions: what they want to release and what they want to manifest, or drum, in. One of the keys to clearing negative energy is to immediately replace that which was cleared with positive energy. After you’ve drummed away what you don’t want in your life, it is imperative to establish intention and drum in what you want. This is done by imagining your life as if what you want already has taken place. When you use your imagination while you drum it sets up a vibration for it to become manifest.
Participating in a drumming circle reduces stress, improves immunity and creates community.”
-Excerpted from Chakra Awakening by Margaret Ann Lembo