1000 flowers and their meanings
By Cheralyn Darcey
Flowerpaedia is a handy and engaging A-Z reference guide of over 1000 flowers, researched and compiled by botanical explorer Cheralyn Darcey. Readers will delight in understanding what each flower means–emotionally, spiritually, and symbolically–and the dictionary format allows people to search by the feeling or emotion they wish to convey or change. Expertly written with easy-to-understand insights, Flowerpaedia shares how we can work with a myriad of flowers to achieve balance, calm, or healing in our lives, homes, and gardens. Included is an index of each flower’s precise botanical name for easy and exact identification.
Written for the enthusiastic gardener and anyone charmed by the beauty and energy of flowers, this guide to understanding and selecting the right flower for every occasion and meaning will be felt and enjoyed by all
About the Author:
Cheralyn Darcey is an Environmental Artist, Author and Botanical Explorer who has a passion for encouraging us to reconnect with Nature. She has travelled, researched and explored the cultures and histories from all times, places and beliefs and the connections humans have developed, not only the usage of plants but also the spiritual qualities of plants.
Uniquely in the Mind Body Spirit genre, Cheralyn illustrates her own publications with her field sketches and her fine art works and through this brings us a very complete, pure and rich resource and reference.
Her Art has featured in workshops, exhibitions, art prizes and publications internationally for the last 30 years. Working in Waste to Art Mediums and Mixed Media, Cheralyn finds that creating works that encourage others to look a little deeper at what is already here, encourages a greater care and understanding of our Earth and ourselves.
She was a selected Environmental Artist in Residence at the International Conference of Eco Ideas in 2011 and she has presented Environmental talks and presentations at the Australian Museum, North Head Environment Sanctuary and was an Artist in Residence, Sydney, Australia during the Year of Biodiversity.
Cheralyn splits her time between Botanical adventures seeking forgotten orchids in forests to replanting rescued pot plants, to volunteering in her local Coastal Environment Centre driving the rest of the staff with her Flower Fun Facts.
‘Australian Wildflower Reading Cards’ is the first in a series of Nature Reading Card sets that Cheralyn has created with her traditional linocut prints created from actual flowers she researched and found. The Guidebook that accompanies this and all her upcoming Reading Card titles features Botanical information as well as the meaning of each flower so you can use the set as an Oracle or Affirmation Deck and a Nature based educational and art resource.
At present Cheralyn lives in Sydney, Australia and is busy creating more Nature focused books and artworks for soon to be released titles over 2015/16 and beyond.