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Gemstone Horse


When Horse trots into your life, it signals a time to find your center so you can easily move forward at a moment’s notice. Horses have a strong sense of balance as well as the ability to quickly make a decision to flee or further assess the situation. This characteristic reminds you to use the information you gathered using your hypersensitive nature to assess whether or not real danger is near. Align with Horse energy for endurance and the ability to take action and move forward.

~ Excerpted from Animal Totems and the Gemstone Kingdom by Margaret Ann Lembo

Available Options:


  • Black Onyx
  • Blue Goldstone
  • Carnelian
  • Clear Quartz
  • Gold Tiger’s Eye
  • Green Aventurine
  • Green Goldstone
  • Opalite
  • Serpentine
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Red Tiger’s Eye

Gemstone Horse

Affirmation:  I am willing to find new pathways to discover my inner power. I am determined to align with the forces of nature that feed my soul. It is easy for me to find freedom and make forward movement. I make a decision and take action effortlessly. I am determined to achieve my goals and dreams.

Horse totem is an ally to help you become extraordinarily cognizant of all that is occurring around you. Because they are prey animals, horses are overly aware of their surroundings. In fact, they have amazing vision and can see about 350 degrees. They have both monocular vision and binocular vision. With monocular vision, they can use both eyes separately because their eyes are on the side of their head. Horses also have binocular vision, which uses both eyes to see, increasing their field of view. Use Horse as an ally to increase your awareness and improve your situational awareness. Use your innate peripheral vision on a physical level (seeing with your eyes), and also use your peripheral vision mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This encourages you to broaden your scope of understanding and realizations.

When Horse trots into your life, it signals a time to find your center so you can easily move forward at a moment’s notice. Horses have a strong sense of balance as well as the ability to quickly make a decision to flee or further assess the situation. This characteristic reminds you to use the information you gathered using your hypersensitive nature to assess whether or not real danger is near. Align with Horse energy for endurance and the ability to take action and move forward.

~ Excerpted from Animal Totems and the Gemstone Kingdom by Margaret Ann Lembo

Black Onyx

Black onyx is beneficial to establish a protective shield when offering spiritual counseling, tarot card readings, channeling, automatic writing and any other modality that opens you up to psychic influences. Black onyx is a perfect stone for your desk or wherever you perform your work—be it a carpenter’s workstation, an aircraft mechanic’s toolbox, or a daycare provider’s pocket. This stone helps provide mental focus, grounding, and the ability to stay on task. Use black onyx to deflect negative thoughtforms, or mental energy.

Blue Goldstone Horse

The blue goldstone gemstone worry stone stimulates your third eye center with indigo midnight blue color to open your intuitive senses, the six clairs. There is a starry quality to goldstone that brings inner reflection as well as a reminder that you are a shining star. Gazing into goldstone reminds you to be all that you can be and allows your many talents to shine brightly.

Green Goldstone Horse

Green Goldstone attracts abundance and prosperity into your life. Regardless of its color, goldstone is a stone of self-worth and self-motivation. It is an excellent mood stabilizer. The brilliant sparkles within the stone help remind you of your magnificence and encourage you to shine your light brightly with confidence.

Carnelian Horse

Carnelian can be used to reveal past-life experiences to help you on your spiritual path in this life. This stone activates the desire to uncover mundane patterns that prevent you from attaining self-realization. Use this stone with the intention of knowing yourself to the core and embracing all that you are on all levels. Through self-acceptance and self-knowledge, you can attain greater heights in meditation practice to develop your spiritual nature.

Carnelian is a good tool to help you dive into your emotions either through art, music, writing, or any creative outlet. It reminds you to give yourself the time to create and the courage to take the action to make it so. This stone also helps you embrace the emotions and feelings of past challenges, accept them, and move on. A stone for action and moving forward in life, it is useful when you are up against an emotional block.

Clear Quartz Horse

Clear quartz carries within it the full spectrum of light. It transmits and transduces energy. Clear quartz helps you stay focused on the goal at hand. It’s a perfect companion for students of all ages and all teachings. Use clear quartz while you study or work on projects. This gemstone is helpful for memory recall so employ it when taking exams or any type of test.

Clear quartz helps you get clear on the real source of your emotional upset. Pay attention to your feelings and emotions while holding clear quartz as it amplifies whatever you are focused on. Be sure to intend that working with the clear quartz will help you uncover whatever you need to realize or understand to relieve your emotional upset.

Green Aventurine Horse

Green Aventurine opens the heart to Divine love, good connections with all life, and a balanced and healthy view of the world. This green stone helps you make the connection between the earth and your heart, allowing your awareness of the elemental world to assist you in your daily life.

Green aventurine grounds your emotional body and rebalances your heart’s desires. The love you experience in romance, friendships, and other relationships can affect your emotional well-being, so be sure to keep a green aventurine near your heart while you sleep to recalibrate your emotions each night.

Gold Tiger’s Eye Horse

Gold tiger’s eye enlivens your ability to remember your dreams and use the dreamtime for spiritual advancement. The chatoyancy, or the optical reflectance effect, of this stone sparks your imagination, which is the key to understanding your intuition. The gold energy of this stone reminds you to embrace your spiritual potential and allow divinity into your spiritual practice. Use this stone to connect with the spiritual power of the Sun as a source for nourishment of your soul.

Gold tiger’s eye helps you to release feelings of jealousy. As you observe the nature or source of your jealousy, employ this stone to focus your attention on raising your own self-confidence. This stone also helps you master emotions during periods of emotional upheaval. It aids you when you need to remember that the Sun continues to shine on you and how new beginnings are powerful times for renewal and growth.

Red Tiger’s Eye Horse

Red tiger’s eye is a useful grounding force in your spiritual practice and motivates you to implement a spiritual discipline if necessary. The red energy is helpful for any type of moving meditation from yoga and tai chi to walking meditation. This stone is a stabilizer to maintain mindfulness and single-pointed focus. The red energy of this stone removes the energy of procrastination and adds verve and vigor to your spiritual practice.

The red energy of this tiger’s eye assists you in tapping into your personal power. Use this stone to shore up inner strength and courage when you are feeling emotionally weak and vulnerable. It helps you to let go of paranoia or unfounded fears and helps strengthen your belief in yourself.

Opalite Horse

Opalite can aid in communication with the divine especially in receiving messages. Opalite is a man-made glass and relates to the energy of the gemstone opal. Atlantean mysteries can be recollected through channeling or automatic writing while using this stone. Ancient Greeks believed the opal had the power of giving foresight and the light of prophecy to their owners.

Serpentine Horse

Serpentine helps you keep your mind focused on positive thoughts. This stone reminds you to be aware of negative thoughts so that you can immediately release them and replace them with good thoughts. Serpentine helps you get in touch with positive ways to integrate situations and emotions into your life. Use it to help you get to the source of what’s eating at you. It’s also the perfect stone to help heal your heart from relationship challenges, whether it is the loss of a friendship, lover, or relationship of any sort. It also helps you open your heart and relax into relationships again.

Smoky Quartz Horse

Smoky quartz is an especially good protection tool for use during spiritual ceremonies and rituals. Also, use it to deflect the electromagnetic frequencies emitted by electronics. Grounding you and helping to clear out the constant chatter of the mind, it is perfect companion to meditation practice. Smoky quartz helps eliminate doubt and worry when you are faced with chaos and/or confusion. This stone helps you feel safe and sound.

– Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones by Margaret Ann Lembo

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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