Goddess Oracle Deck and Book Set
The Goddess Oracle, a distinctive deck and book, set offer insights and guidance for handling all challenges that face you, and techniques for developing all areas of your self and your life.
The inspirational deck, painted by Hranto Janto, is comprised of 52 over-sized cards, each representing a different energy or aspect of feminine wisdom.
The 208-page illustrated book, written by Amy Sophia Marashinksy, presents the goddesses in alphabetical order. For each goddess, the book provides an original poem, mythological background, card meaning, and suggested ritual. The meanings sections include questions to help you divine the energy of the goddess in your own life. The book offers three different card spreads.
The Goddess Oracle can help you understand where you are, where you are headed, and what you need for the journey.
About the Author
Amy Sophia Marashinsky has been counseling clients, facilitating past-life regressions, doing intuitive readings, mediating conflicts, and teaching women’s empowerment workshops for over 12 years. She is the author of The Goddess Oracle.
The Bodhi Tree Book Review, Summer/Fall 1998
“Divination has never been as sensual!”
“This is an absolutely gorgeous collection of Goddess deities … carefully researched… stunning… uplifting… The illustrations are truly remarkable.”
“It is important to note that these cards are designed to nurture the feminine in all of us, regardless of gender – the Goddess bolsters those aspects of everyone’s totality that have been historically disregarded, for example, intuitive abilities, creativity, sensuality, and nurturing skills.”
Goddessing, Summer/Autumn 1998:
“… clear, …relevant, …accurate …
the Goddess Oracle passed the test with flying colors.”
“The first experience I have is the beauty of the cards themselves. You have to SEE these! I shuffle through them quickly and then go back to really look at each one: Here is Sheila-Na-Gig offereing an unobstructed view of Her vulva with Creation spinning out of it and a wild smile on her wizened face; Durga rides over the Mountains of the World, armed (and She has many of these) with every weapon imaginable; the wild Baba Yaga rides Her morter and pestle smiling like the Auntie who taught you how to order martinis and smoke your first cigar; Yemaya swims through the blue waters of your unconsciousness as She creates a stream of life in the wake of her tail. I turn the box over and read that the artist, Hrana Janto, painted for Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyer’s PBS special, “The Power of Myth.”
“You can look at the images and tell that Janto has intimate knowledge of her Goddesses. You can see it in the lush curves she paints for the body of Oshun and the alexandrite colors in her waterfall throne. You can feel the deception in Blodeuwedd’s eyes, the play of the hearth light on old Hestia’s gown. The Child-Goddess Maya IS illusion. You know that Her innocent veils hid the power of Kali and Demeter. Hrana Janto’s Goddesses are archetypical and relevant. This woman makes love to the Goddesses with a sable brush! I found myself forgetting that I had deadlines and became lost in the imagery of each Goddess card.”
“I find myself reflecting on them throughout my day…”
“[Amy] wrote from a platform of personal epiphany… and experience it she did! Her background of writing, directing, film making and conducting therapeutic workshops enriched her writing in The Goddess Oracle.”
— review by Dina Kerik, publisher of The Deepwater Journal