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Lavender Essential Oil


The Crystal Garden Brand Aromatherapy Sprays, Medical Grade Essential Oils, and Roll-Ons are non-refundable for health and safety reasons.

Medical Grade Essential Oil

Botanical name: Lavandula officinalis

Note: top to middle

Parts used: flowers

Common method of extraction: steam distillation

Fragrance: clean, floral, fresh, green, herbaceous, light, mellow, sweet, warm, woody

About the plant: Lavender is an evergreen plant that is native to the Mediterranean that grows to a height of about 3 feet light purple flowers.

Spiritual uses: Lavender is a great tool for meditation. This oil brings in blessings and the sweetness of love.

Mental uses: Lavender relieves mental exhaustion, stress, and anxiety.

Emotional uses: Lavender is comforting to your heart, soothing and calming chaotic and rampant emotions such as hysteria and worry.

Physical uses: Lavender’s physical benefits include relief of aching muscles, improvement of acne, clearing infections, repelling insects, treating bacterial infections, healing burns and other minor wounds, soothing earaches, treating eczema, relieving fatigue, reducing fevers, relieving headaches, alleviating insomnia, easing menstrual cramps, balancing hormones in menopause, treating shingles, and relieving sinusitis. Lavender is a good aromatherapy ally for all walks of life.

For your safety: No known contraindications.

Therapeutic properties: analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, anticonvulsive, antidepressant (premenstrual syndrome and menopause), antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antistress, antitoxic, antitussive, antivenomous, antiviral, aperitive, calmative, carminative, cephalic, cholagogic, cicatrizant, cordial, cytophylactic, decongestant, deodorizer, detoxifier, diuretic, emmenagogic, healing (skin), hypotensor, insecticidal, nervine, regenerative (skin tissue), restorative, reviving, sedative (heart), stimulative (respiratory system), stomachic, sudorific, tonic, vulnerary

Lavender is also available as a 2oz spray.

Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing by Margaret Ann Lembo

Hand labeled and bottled by the staff of
The Crystal Garden, Inc.
877-444-5099 • www.TheCrystalGarden.com
For external use only.

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions .75 × .75 × 2 in


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