Love & Quantum Love Pendant
- Love Amulet Pendant – approx 1.5″ diameter
- Love Gemdrop Pendant – approx 1″
LOVE (Unconditional) Gem Drop and/or the Amulet
Stones: Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz Crystal
Planetary Influence: Venus and Neptune
Chakras: 4th and 6th
When Rose Quartz and Amethyst are used together; the direction of energy is transformed into awakened consciousness to self-love. When worn, the wearer will initiate – the time of nurturing and forgiveness, reprogramming the heart to love oneself.
Direct from the designer. Gemdrops are approx 3/4 to – inch in diameter. These are very unique. Each Item is individually made, so no two pieces are exactly alike. All Gemdrops come with black satin cord and information card.
Quantum Love Gem Drop and/ or Gem Point Pendant
Moldavite is the stone of transformation. Keeping the wearer centered in unconditional love. Moldavite empowers by opening up higher consciousness, visionary abilities, and aids the release of old baggage and lower vibrations, thus raising one’s resonance.
Rose quartz adds the element of love to the thoughts you hold in your consciousness. With this stone in hand, practice thinking through your heart. Put your attention and focus on your heart when you try to think things through, and you will find a peaceful loving solution to whatever you are contemplating.
The pink vibration of rose quartz activates the bridge between the upper three chakras and the lower three chakras. This is significant because this bridge helps connect your human existence as a grounded individual on this planet with your spiritual one. This stone aligns your consciousness with Divine love, compassion, mercy, tolerance, and kindness. It calls the energy of the angels, including Archangels Chamuel and Haniel, to surround you and protect you.
excerpt from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones by Margaret Ann Lembo