Magic of Prayers
Magic of Prayers
The Magic of Prayers is designed to carry with you so you have inspiration and assistance from the realm of spirit whenever you need it. The Infinite Intelligence is all-knowing, all-powerful, and omnipresent, within every atom of the universe. When you pray, you invoke spiritual law and invite help from the God Source, which activates the ever-mysterious forces that bring the answers to your requests.
Using powerful prayers will create magical results in your life. The prayers in this book are designed to empower you with the words and energy that will connect you to your source to find solutions to whatever challenges you face. Using this book daily will change your life by connecting you to the Source of all answers. With prayers for prosperity, intuition, health, business success, and improving personal relationships, this book is for people of all denominations, spiritual practices, and ages.
About the Author:
LEE MILTEER is an internationally known and celebrated bestselling author, award-winning professional speaker, TV personality, entrepreneur, visionary, and intuitive business mentor. Lee is that rare soul wholives and thrives in both the business world and the metaphysical world. She is also a Reiki healer, a shaman, and runs a Metaphysical Mystery School, where she teaches students how to manifest on levels that mainstream education or business schools cannot teach. Lee has created and hosted educational programs airing on PBS and other cable networks throughout the U.S. and Canada. She is the author of Success is an Inside Job and Spiritual Power Tools, as well as the co-author of ten books. Lee speaks all over the world, and has counseled and trained over a million people in her speeches. She has authored over 150 training, entrepreneurial, spiritual, and educational products, and is the founder of the Millionaire Smarts® Coaching program, in which she provides success and spiritual advice and resources to people worldwide.
Everyone is intuitive. Regardless of whether we are conscious of it or not, much of what we do is based on feelings and intuition. The actions we take are also often based on the feelings and thoughts of those around us. Now imagine if we all became consciously aware of our intuitive abilities and deliberately acted upon those insights to be an instrument of good in our own lives and in the lives of others. What a wonderful world we would live in! Telepathy, the ability to hear or know the thoughts of others, is a key trait of our intuition. We pick up the thoughts of all those around us using the six intuitive senses, which I refer to as the six clairs (see more on these below). It is through the use and awareness of the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional bodies that information is stored and retrieved and then utilized as we walk through life. Now, let’s become cognitive—aware of the process of acquiring knowledge by the use of reasoning, intuition or perception.
Excerpted from Chakra Awakening . (Llewellyn. ) by Margaret Ann Lembo
The use of positive thoughts combined with gemstones that are purple and dark blue will aid you in staying grounded and aligning your third eye. Amethyst will help with intuition while lapis lazuli will help you stay grounded. Kyanite combined with selenite aligns you with the Divine to connect with the charismatic aspect of yourself while bringing higher level sage wisdom through your consciousness. Apophyllite and quartz bring clarity and clear sight. The states of consciousness below are often associated with the third eye or actually all three of the upper chakras.
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