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Meet Your Master Guide: A Guided Meditation CD


Meet Your Master Guide: A Guided Meditation CD

Experience a deeply relaxing guided meditation to meet your guides and angels. Use this CD to help you develop your connection with your angels, guides and loved ones who have passed over. It’s also a great tool to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. This guided meditation is approximately 20 minutes long.  Margaret uses focus on the breath and deep relaxation to guide you to a special space to meet your Master Guide.

Availability: 60 in stock

Your Master Guides and Angels are available to you at all times. Using this CD will help bring you in closer contact and awareness of your invisible helpers. This experience offers you a time for healing and spiritual connection. Let your body fully relax and quiet your mind.

This guided imagery is the imagery Margaret Ann uses with clients during private sessions to meet with loved ones who have passed over, angels, guides, and even used for Past Life Regression Sessions.

This guided meditation is approximately 20 minutes long.  Margaret uses focus on the breath and deep relaxation to guide you to a special space to meet your Master Guide.

This guided meditation is a perfect tool to help you develop your intuition and trust your insights and realizations. Intuition is the use of the 6 senses – the 6 clairs

” Clairaudience. The ability to receive messages or guidance through intuitive hearing or sound that has not been produced by physical sound waves. The voice within is the connection to the higher self and to one’s guides and angels.

Claircognizance. The ability to know something intuitively.

Clairgustation. The intuitive ability to recognize a taste in the mouth that provides insight into a matter at hand. Medical intuitives often use this sensory gift to identify their clients’ physical challenges.

Clairolfaction. The ability to intuitively pick up a smell that doesn’t physically exist as scent particle, which provides some sort of guidance or clue into a situation at hand.

Clairsentience. The ability to clearly sense, or feel, and therefore know.

Clairvoyance. The ability to receive intuitive messages through visions in the mind’s eye, including dreams and daydreams, through the vibration or energy of spiritual sight. This vibration resides primarily at the third eye.” excerpt from Chakra Awakening

Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening; The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; The Angels & Gemstone Guardians Cards; Color Your Life with Crystals; Chakra Balancing Crystal Alignment CD; and upcoming titles in March 2016 – The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing and The Archangels & Gemstone Guardians Cards.

She is the creator of a line of award-winning Aroma-Energetic Sprays including Smudge in Spray and the seven Chakra Sprays. Margaret Ann is a spiritual entrepreneur, practitioner, aromatherapist, and the owner of The Crystal Garden — a book store, gift store, and spiritual center in Boynton Beach, Florida located near West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, and Ft. Lauderdale.

Weight 2.9 oz


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