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Solar Plexus Chakra Spray


The Crystal Garden Brand Aromatherapy Sprays, Medical Grade Essential Oils, and Roll-Ons are non-refundable for health and safety reasons.

Spray this synergy blend to activate the third chakra. Visualize golden yellow light from the sun shining brightly at your solar plexus. Use this spray to amplify joy, personal power, self-confidence, mental clarity, and the ability to shine your light.

Affirm: “I am confident, courageous and I shine my light brightly. I am magnificent!”

Also available “neat” in a 5 ml bottle – Solar Plexus Essential Oil Blend

Use this Solar Plexus Chakra Spray to amplify joy, personal power, self-confidence, mental clarity, and the ability to shine your light.

Ingredients: Water; Proprietary Blend of Medical Grade Essential Oils; Holy Waters from around the world; Sacred Site Essences from around the world; Bach Flower Essences; Gemstone Tinctures

Aromatic Blend Notes: fresh, citrusy, spicy, green

Bach Flower Essences: Aspen, Cerato, Gentian, Gorse, Larch, Wild Oat, Willow, Vervain

Gemstone Essence: Amber, Apatite, Citrine, Peridot, Yellow Jasper

Waters: Chalice Well Water; Spring from Mother Mary’s home in Anatolia, Turkey; St. Germain in France, Lanzon, Teotihuacan, Manitoba Springs, St. Anne’s Cathedral in Quebec

Synergistic proprietary formula received through Divine Inspiration by Margaret Ann Lembo.

Made with Love by Margaret Ann Lembo
­The Crystal Garden, Inc.
877-444-5099 • www.TheCrystalGarden.com
For external use only. Shake well.

“Chapter 4

Yellow Energy and the Solar Plexus Chakra

The sun shines brightly with golden yellow rays of light just below your heart, so take off your sunglasses and let your light shine! The place between the heart and the navel is called the solar plexus. The main color associated with the solar plexus is yellow. Shades of green, such as olive, emerald, forest and chartreuse, strengthen and balance the solar plexus. This center regulates your ability to digest life, digest food, stand in your personal power, establish healthy boundaries, recognize your magnificence and live your life with self-confidence. The ability to truly stand in your own brilliance, do or achieve anything you put your attention on, and become anyone you want to be is established during the first ten years of your life.

The solar plexus is the center for your ability to take in, absorb and integrate life and all it offers—the good as well as what you may perceive as the bad. The solar plexus manages the vibration of experiencing and digesting all you see and experience around you and in your life. It can be compared to the powerful and amazing sun shining brightly in the sky. The brilliance of light at this center brings mental clarity and the ability to see life from a greater perspective. It’s a great visual to imagine the sun shining at your solar plexus to warm you up and integrate all that life has to offer.”

~an excerpt from Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy and the Power of Positive Thought

Weight 2.9 oz
Dimensions 2.25 × 1.5 × 4.75 in


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