Soul Cards 1
This exquisite set of 60 full-color Soul Cards 1 cards, created by renowned artist Deborah Koff-Chapin, comes with a 36-page manual that guides you into a living relationship with the images through silent contemplation, journal writing, storytelling, visualization, movement, and dream incubation. Dynamic processes for using Soul Cards 1 with another person and within groups are also included.
Editorial Reviews
“SoulCards is a panorama of the human soul drawn on a vivid deck of cards…evoke in the viewer a timely question and a timeless answer. Due to become an American deck of reference.”
The Book Reader
“…a very special blessing, a seeming miracle, the brilliant SOULCARDS by Deborah Koff-Chapin…gorgeous, breath-taking, exquisite cards!!!… The reader’s own intuition coupled with the elegant soul renderings on each card give profound divinatory revelation…I felt graced by their power the instant they touched my hands.”
Inner Journeys Magazine
“… SoulCards are a brave new dimension unfolding in our ability to tap our own inner knowing… rich with new and refreshing symbolism for the soul. The images…cut through the intellect and evoke a response directly from your essential self. When using them I crossed a boundary into a spirit space of feelings.”
Magical Blend Magazine
“One can see infinite possibilities in each card, multiple meanings. Yet in answer to your question, the meaning of each card is concrete…The result is heightened wisdom and intuition, and the confidence which comes from discovering meaning within yourself.”
Leading Edge Review
“Each of these 60 Soul Cards is a completely unique expression of the depths of the human soul. The artwork is mysterious, potent, exquisite, and in many ways dynamic. However you use these cards, my guess is you will find them profound. The deeper you go into your experience with the cards the more gifts they have to give.”
From the Inside Flap
You hold in your hands an offering of images from the depths of the human soul. Use them to nourish and evoke your own insight and creativity. There are no preconceived meanings to the cards. think of them as mirrors through which to reflect upon your own soul. Any image may evoke a different response, depending upon who chooses it and the context in which it is seen.
Deborah Koff-Chapin, BFA Cooper Union, is an artist, vocalist, author, and teacher. She has been developing the process of Touch Drawing since she came upon it in revelatory play in 1974. Through her years of Touch Drawing, Deborah has tapped into a universal level of the human soul. Deborah is the creator of the best selling decks, Soul Cards 1&2, and author of Drawing Out Your Soul and The Touch Drawing Facilitator Workbook. She encourages the dissemination of Touch Drawing worldwide through workshops, media, and online community. Deborah’s newest project is the series of five Soul Touch Coloring Journals.
Deborah has presented at many programs and conferences including Esalen, Naropa Institute, Omega Institute, California Institute of Integral Studies, JFK School of Arts and Consciousness, School of Visual Arts, The American Art Therapy Association, and The Association for Humanistic Psychology. She has served on the board of directors of The International Expressive Arts Therapy Association.
Deborah’s workshops and Interpretive Touch Drawing have been integrated into executive and management retreats for hospitals and health systems. She has been Interpretive Artist at numerous conferences including The Parliament of World Religions, The New Story Summit, Engaging the Other, Sacred Activism, and Seeds of Compassion with the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Deborah’s artwork and essays have been published in numerous magazines, journals and books. Deborah is the founding director of The Center for Touch Drawing. She has convened the Annual Touch Drawing Gathering since 1997.
“Deborah Koff-Chapin is one of the world’s leaders in Transformative Arts.”
Michael Grady Dean, Graduate School Arts and Consciousness JFK University
“The drawings have captured a deep and mysterious element of both pain and uplift…”
Jon Kabat-Zinn Author, Wherever You Go, There You Are
“Deborah Koff-Chapin’s artwork is extraordinary, unique, and a particularly special manifestation of that deep pool of talent that dwells within each of us.”
Tony Buzan Author, Use Both Sides of Your Brain