Soul Cards 2: Powerful Images for Creativity & Insight
by Deborah Koff-Chapin
This set of 60 evocative images in Soul Cards 2 created by Deborah Koff-Chapin will speak directly to your soul. SoulCards assist you to turn your awareness toward your own inner wisdom.
The accompanying guidebook in Soul Cards 2 suggests creative ways to deepen your experience of the cards and foster personal insight. Their unique packaging includes a portfolio box to carry the deck, nested within a larger box that can be used as a frame for individual cards. SoulCards 2 is complete unto itself or can be a companion to the bestselling original SoulCards to enrich the range of imagery. Use the deck alone, with a partner or in a group.
SoulCards 2 is a deck of 60 images drawn from depths of the human psyche. As in the bestselling original SoulCards, the images evoke profound insight and inspiration. SoulCards 2 can stand fully on its own but also enriches, compliments, and expands the scope of the original deck. SoulCards are used by therapists, intuitive, coaches, spiritual directors, management, workshops leaders, creative writing groups, support circles, and people of all ages who want to explore their souls. They encourage learning to trust your own response and inner wisdom.
Through her years of Touch Drawing, Deborah has tapped into a universal level of the human soul. Out of thousands of drawings, she selected 60 to share with the world in the best selling, independently published SoulCards. Five years later, she harvested 60 more images to create SoulCards 2. Over 75,000 decks have been sold, mainly through small, independently owned shops.
Each deck is complete unto itself. When used together they offer an even richer range of imagery. Both decks assist you to turn your awareness toward your own inner wisdom. When a card is chosen in association with a question, the image often evokes immediate insight. The guidebook supports you to use your creative resources to delve into the images through journal writing, storytelling, visualization, movement, dream incubation and other expressive modalities. When used in relationships and groups, SoulCards catalyze refreshing responses and authentic communication. Children are fascinated with the images, and often verbalize with unexpected wisdom and maturity. The uses of SoulCards are endless!