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Spirit Drumming


Spirit Drumming

A heartfelt examination of the spiritual power of Native American drumming, including authentic stories, chants, and rituals.

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Spirit Drumming

Spirit Drumming  – A Guide to the Healing Power of Rhythm

Spirit Drumming

A heartfelt examination of the spiritual power of Native American drumming, including authentic stories, chants, and rituals.
Perhaps the first conscious beating of the drum sound occurred as we gestated in the wombs of our mothers. Beat after beat, we grew within the sea of our births, and then we were born into the air of the world—when did we begin to separate from that beat? How long will it be before we hear the beating again?

Gabriel Horn, White Deer of Autumn, is an award-winning writer who has provided a nuanced look at Native American culture and spirituality for decades. Now, he shows how drumming can take us back to our true selves and connect us to each other and the earth. Spirit Drumming follows his journey to the drums, including a history of drumming in Native American communities, an investigation of drums as living beings, and an authoritative reckoning on vibration as a conduit for healing. In addition to sharing stories of people he has known who have been affected by the drums, he also provides information on how to integrate other sacred elements in your drumming (such as feathers, cedar, sweetgrass, and tobacco), transcripts of chants you can use in your own practice, and ceremonies for thanksgiving, birth, the harvest, children, and more.

About the Author:

Booklist called Gabriel Horn “A generous, searching writer…” and his work “…mesmerizing… lyrical… powerful.” He is an award-winning author and retired professor of literature and creative writing whose publications span across four decades. Excerpts of his works have been anthologized in college texts on writing and for Western Humanities, and included in several acclaimed literary anthologies. Gabriel has also instructed young journalists for the Poynter Institute for Media Studies and taught graduate courses and addressed audiences at universities across the country. On different occasions, he served as a wisdomkeeper for The Wisdomkeepers Program in North Carolina, where he also cofounded and codirected the first Native American Writers Camp for children on the Cherokee reservation. He has been a special guest on various local television programs, National Public Radio, MSNBC’s Time & Again, Wolf Mountain Radio for Peace International, and a record-breaking listening audience on Gia Scott’s radio program, Dawn of Shades. For over 40 years, from reservation schools, to American Indian Movement (AIM) Survival Schools, to public schools, colleges, and universities, Gabriel Horn has unwaveringly advocated the academic respect due the history, literature, and philosophy of Native America as well as for the spiritual rights of traditional Native peoples and the natural world. His Narragansett/Wampanoag uncles, Metacomet and Nippawanock, wrote of Gabriel: “We are proud of our nephew, for it is in blood as strong as his, that the words of the people ring on the land.” He lives in FL.

“Crystal grids are the placement of gemstones with intention in specific geometric patterns to produce a web of energy toward a specific goal. I’ve created large crystal grids with the help of fellow travelers at sacred sites in Mexico, Peru, Florida, and the Four Corners region of the United States. In these large grids, I used tabular clear quartz crystals. Participants held the intention to activate the grids of light around the planet as we stood around the site in geometric patterns using telepathy. Telepathy, mind to mind, and heart to heart communication will be explained further in Chapter 7. ~ an excerpt from Chakra Awakening by Margaret Ann Lembo

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 9 × 7 × 1 in

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