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Aragonite in Quartz Cluster


Aragonite in Quartz Cluster

Every cluster is unique. If you want to see a photo, email us your texting phone number to orders@thecrystalgarden.com

Creative Chaos

Affirmation: I have a gift for creativity. I can see things that others seem to miss. I stay focused on the task at hand even when there is confusion around me. I solve problems with ease. It is easy for me to stay calm even when I have many responsibilities.

Availability: 2 in stock

Aragonite in Quartz Cluster

Creative Chaos

Affirmation: I have a gift for creativity. I can see things that others seem to miss. I stay focused on the task at hand even when there is confusion around me. I solve problems with ease. It is easy for me to stay calm even when I have many responsibilities.

Color: white

About the stone:

Aragonite is a mineral composed of calcium carbonate that crystallizes in the orthorhombic system.  The crystals are often twinned and they are found in white, yellow, green, brown and blue.

Quartz is a prolific mineral composed of silicon dioxide and is found in several forms. Quartz is in the trigonal system and it exhibits piezoelectricity The varieties that crystallize are known as amethyst, citrine, smokey quartz, rose quartz and rock crystal quartz depending on their color.

Spiritual uses: Crystalline aragonite carries within it the vibrations of caves and the oceans. It is a storehouse of ancient knowledge. Always program the stone with love and well-being, and all will work out for the highest good.

Mental uses: This gemstone gently guides you to go quietly within yourself to locate your center. Aragonite in Quartz helps you stay focused on the goal at hand. It’s a perfect companion for students of all ages and all teachings.

Emotional uses: Aragonite shows you the way into your center to feel and know the depth of your emotions. This stone is a reminder that it is important to recognize and become aware of your emotions and define them, but it is also equally important to learn to detach from your feelings to become an objective observer, just as an artist observes art in nature. Pay attention to your feelings and emotions while holding Aragonite in Quartz as it amplifies whatever you are focused on. Be sure to intend that working with this stone will help you uncover whatever you need to realize or understand to relieve your emotional upset.

Physical uses: With its significant calcium content, aragonite lends itself to assist with disease or health challenges related to a calcium deficiency. Form the intention that the vibration of aragonite will help you use nutrition and exercise to improve the health of your bones, muscles, and teeth. It extends a hand of support to increase your ability to be successful in all endeavors, including financial success, fertility, creativity, family blessings, a happy home, a healthy body, and much more.

Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones (Llewellyn. 2013) by Margaret Ann Lembo

Weight 2.6 oz
Dimensions 2 × 1.5 × 1 in

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