Archangel Gabriel Medal
Oxidized Metal
Oval 1″
Call on Archangel Gabriel
- to help with dreaming and dream interpretation
- to delve into the wisdom of the Great Mystery and the Great Void to create your reality.
- to awaken your ability to hear messages from the Divine.
- To increase intuition and receptivity.
Affirmation: I am Divinely guided and receive inspiration on a regular basis. I know the truth from within.
“Archangel Gabriel is the angel well-known for the Annunciation who brought the message to Mother Mary that she would be woman to bring Jesus the Christ into the world. Call on Gabriel for inspiration and guidance and to help you with your intuition and inner knowing. Gabriel is helpful for dream interpretation, too. Gabriel’s color is red.
Archangel Gabriel is a divine oracle and well-known for the announcement of the birth of the Messiah 200 years before His birth as well as the angel who appeared to Mother Mary to let her know that she would give birth to Jesus the Christ. Call on this archangel for inspired guidance. Archangel Gabriel to open your spiritual ears to hear messages and guidance often through symbols and dreams. Archangel Gabriel watches over unborn children and assists in the birth of creative inspiration as manifest reality as well.”
~ excerpted from The Essential Guide to Everyday Angels by Margaret Ann Lembo