Archangel Michael Medal
Oxidized Metal
Use Archangel Michael Medal to help you feel Michael’s presence.
“Archangel Michael dedicated to protecting you and helps to remove fears and phobias that might distract you from your intentions. Call on Archangel Michael to bring feelings of comfort and safety. Archangel Michael is often portraying with silver armor, a round shield, and a sword to ward off malevolent situations, negative people, and inner and outer demons. Archangel Michael can help you to cut the cords of attachment to negative people, places, and situations that are no longer for your highest good. Ask Archangel Michael to help you see life from a higher and greater perspective.
Call on the Angel of Protection when your life feels out of control or you feel unsafe. You may need protection from your own thoughts and emotions first! Calling on this angel is more like calling a legion of angels, all of which will help you become conscious of how you have drawn in situations that make you feel like you need protection. This angel can help protect you from outside influences as well. If you are feeling unsafe, start with yourself and pray. Pray that you can clear your mind, heart, and emotions of fear, and pray that you will be Divinely protected by legions of angels. Use your imagination to envision yourself surrounded by an entourage of angels who deflect the negative thoughts, feelings, energies, and actions that come from others. Ask the Angel of Protection to create a shield of shimmering white light around you that transforms and transmutes anything in your space that isn’t love into love.”
~ excerpted from The Essential Guide to Everyday Angels by Margaret Ann Lembo