Black Obsidian Owl
Black Obsidian Owl
Owl totem is an ally that helps you see, hear, and know what needs to be known by interpreting the messages from both the physical and spirit worlds. Owl allows you to “see in the dark” and “read between the lines.” When Owl swoops into your life, it signals a time to pay attention to what is going on behind the scenes. Owl alerts you that there is more to notice than you might see at a glance.
In mythology, the Owl is a companion of Athena (Greek) and Minerva (Roman). By either name, these are the goddesses of wisdom. Athena is also known as Pallas. It is said that Athena’s owl sat on her blind side so that she would always see or know the truth. In many cultures, owls are known as symbols of spiritual and intellectual wisdom.
~ Excerpted from Animal Totems and the Gemstone Kingdom by Margaret Ann Lembo
Color: black
Chakra(s): root
About the stone: Black obsidian is a natural glass, composed of two-thirds silica or more, formed during the cooling of volcanic lava
Astrological sign(s): Libra, Scorpio
Element(s): fire
Mohs scale: 5–5.5
Spiritual uses: Black obsidian draws you inward to the center of yourself, to the place of truth. In Native American teachings, it is likened to the Great Void or the Great Mystery from which all things are created. It is a stone for spiritual dreaming and creating that is best used in the western quadrant of the Native American Medicine Wheel. Black obsidian can be used to request the aid of Archangels Melchizedek and Sabrael.
Mental uses: Black obsidian is perfect to ground you and keep you focused. If you have a tendency to get easily distracted or off-center, use this stone to keep your mind on the task at hand. It is also beneficial for maintaining a positive outlook by keeping negative thoughts at bay. Use it to deflect negative energy.
Emotional uses: Black obsidian helps you dredge up emotions that are buried deep within yourself. This stone reminds you that negative emotions can wreak havoc on your life by broadcasting an unconscious program that perpetuates negative patterns. This volcanic glass supports you while you search the darker recesses of your emotional body.
Physical uses: Black obsidian helps you avoid ingesting toxins by keeping you focused on healthy eating. It realigns your energy so that you can make proper food choices. It also supports you during the process of breaking bad habits, such as smoking, overeating, overdrinking, or using drugs or putting an end to habitual patterns that are no longer serving you.
– Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones by Margaret Ann Lembo