Green Goldstone
Affirmation: I am energetic and vibrant. I shine my light brightly. I live my life passionately with determination. I am creative. I am abundant. I’m an amazing manifester! I have plenty of energy to get everything done. I am a mover and a shaker. Abundance is mine. I have what I need.
Color: Green
Chakra(s): third eye
About the stone: Goldstone is a manmade glass containing crystallized copper.
Astrological sign(s): Taurus, Libra
Spiritual uses: Goldstone is very useful during meditation practice.
Mental uses: Goldstone helps you stay focused on happy thoughts.
Emotional uses: Regardless of its color, goldstone is a stone of self-worth and self-motivation. It is an excellent mood stabilizer. It also comes in a reddish-orange and a dark navy blue
Physical uses: Increase prosperity and attract business success with green goldstone in hand.
Divine guidance: Do you need some motivation? How is your self-confidence? It’s time to remember all your good qualities and use them for the entire world to see. This is a time of good fortune. You are available to receive blessings and prosperity in your life. You just need to be aware that you deserve this good fortune!
Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones. (Llewellyn. 2013) byMargaret Ann Lembo