The Inner Mystic
Affirmation: I can be and do anything! There is always a silver lining within any challenge. I am able to see the good even when others can’t. I am aligned with the Divine. My angels and guides are guiding me every day. I feel the support of the heavenly realm.
Color: silvery blue
Chakra(s): throat, solar plexus, and crown
Astrological sign(s): Aries, Gemini
Mohs scale: 8
Spiritual uses: Silver topaz activates the light particles within the auric field of your crown chakra. Use this stone to connect with angels. Imagine that this stone’s silvery-blue energy is sending out a ray of light connecting your heart, throat, and mind with the heavenly realm, spirit guides, and Ascended Masters.
Mental uses: Silver topaz activates the part of you that is able to see the good in all people and all situations.
Emotional uses: Silver topaz is an excellent tool for improving your self-esteem. Activate all the positive experiences you’ve ever had and allow those memories to flood into your consciousness with silver topaz being the main magnet.
Physical uses: Topaz is beneficial for the health of your throat, larynx, mouth, tongue, and ears.
Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones. (Llewellyn. 2013) by Margaret Ann Lembo
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