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Smoky Quartz Angel 1.5″


Smoky Quartz Angel

Approx 1.5″

“Angels all around”


Availability: 3 in stock

Smoky Quartz Angel

Smoky Quartz Angel

Approx 1.5″

“Angels all around”

Angels are luminous beings of light emanating from God, the Divine.

Whether or not you are conscious of them, you have many invisible helpers around you every moment of your life. Imagine them there or just know that a large group of invisible helpers are ready to come to your aid. They’re watching over you, inspiring you, and guiding you along your path through life. They’re with you 24/7, when you are sleeping and when you are awake. And they’re just a thought away when you’re ready to be conscious of them. Angels have a high vibration and provide energetic assistance to us upon request. The personalities and qualities of these spiritual beings bring a plethora of positive vibes to your spiritual table.” Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Everyday Angels by Margaret Ann Lembo

Grounded Protection

Affirmation: I am divinely protected. All is well, and life is good. I easily refocus my efforts away from distractions. I honor my grounded connection with Mother Earth. I am free of emotional baggage. I fully appreciate this transformation and enjoy emotional balance. I am aware of my feelings.

Color: translucent brown or black

Chakra(s): root

About the stone: Smokey quartz is the light to dark Brown variety of quartz (silicon dioxide)

Astrological sign(s): Scorpio

Planet(s): Pluto

Number(s): 53/8

Element(s): earth

Mohs scale: 7

Spiritual uses: Smoky quartz is an especially good protection tool for use during spiritual ceremonies and rituals. Use this stone in crystal grids (see page 00) to maintain protective energy and to deflect negative vibes. Also, use it to deflect the electromagnetic frequencies emitted by electronics. Grounding you and helping to clear out the constant chatter of the mind, it is perfect companion to meditation practice.

Excerpted from Margaret Ann Lembo’s Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals & Stones

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in

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