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Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul


Violet Flame

To heal body, mind & soul


Availability: 4 in stock

Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul


To heal body, mind & soul

This pocket guide describes how to use high-frequency, spiritual energy to increase vitality, overcome blocks to healing, dissolve records of trauma, and create positive change in our personal lives and for the planet. Learn how the violet flame can increase vitality and assist any healing process of the body, mind, emotions or spirit. Includes inspiring true stories and nine easy steps to begin using the violet flame with affirmations, mantras, and visualizations.

About the Author:

Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1939-2009) was a pioneer of modern spirituality and an internationally renowned speaker and author. Her books are published in more than 30 languages, and millions of copies have been sold online and in bookstores worldwide. Throughout her lifetime, Mrs. Prophet walked the path of spiritual adeptship, advancing through the universal initiations common to mystics of both East and West. She taught about this path and described her own experiences for the benefit of all who desire to make spiritual progress. Mrs. Prophet has left an extensive library of spiritual teachings from the ascended masters and a thriving, worldwide community of people who study and practice these teachings.



Weight 6 oz
Dimensions 4 × 5 × 1 in

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