
Peace for Personal Transformation by Margaret Ann Lembo

Peace for Personal Transformation by Margaret Ann Lembo

Ignite the light of hope in your heart. Let the Divine inspire you to find peace within yourself. The bird dove is an ally to help you remember the love that you are. I’ve heard the gentle cooing of the doves outside my window. Have you?

Is your manner of speaking unfriendly or welcoming like Dove’s coo? Dove teaches you to align your voice to a sweet low sound that still has the power of a stronger use of your voice.

Dove helps you instill and invoke peace and spiritual enlightenment in your life and heralds the opportunity to be a transformational person in the lives you touch. Dove has been a symbol of life and peace for a long time. According to the biblical story of the Great Flood, when Noah released a dove from the ark to find land, the dove returned with an olive branch. During ancient Roman times, the olive branch was used as a plea for peace. The phrase “to extend the olive branch” is still used today to request a peaceful interaction.

Dove is also a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In historical artwork, the dove has been a Christian icon symbolizing the descent of the Holy Spirit over the heads of apostles or those being baptized.

The matching vibrational gemstone for the dove is optical calcite. Optical calcite amplifies your connection with the Divine. It complements Dove medicine, which awakens your spiritual body and connects you with your Divine spark within. With this calcite in hand, focus on the light within you. It helps you recognize that you have a spiritual body filled with light.

It is time to invoke Dove as a messenger to allow the gentle, loving vibration of purity and peace to embrace you in your life. Let yourself feel supported, and ignite the light of hope in your heart. Open up so that Divine inspiration can enlighten you and bring clarity to your heart and mind.

“I speak with loving-kindness. I am liberated and confident. Love vibrates through the sounds that come through me. The tone of my voice is perceived as peaceful and calm. I easily and honestly communicate what is on my mind. I speak eloquently. I effortlessly align with inner peace. I allow love, calm, and tolerance to integrate with my consciousness.”

~ portions excerpted from Animal Totems and the Gemstone Kingdom: Spiritual Connections of Crystal Vibrations and Animal Medicine by Margaret Ann Lembo


Bio: Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening, The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones, The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing, Animal Totems and the Gemstone Kingdom, and many more titles. Margaret Ann is an award-winning aromatherapist and the owner of The Crystal Garden – the conscious living store of the Palm Beaches established in 1988. Find out more at www.MargaretAnnLembo.com  and TheCrystalGarden.com

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