Animal Spirit Guides Candle with Amulet – Eagle


Animal Spirit Guide Candle with Eagle Amulet

Perspective Sacred Messenger carries prayers to the creator and returns with gifts and visions.

Availability: 2 in stock

Animal Spirit Guides Candle with Amulet

The characteristics of animals—from birds and insects to mammals, fish, and reptiles—relate to our human walk on this planet, providing us with lessons and helping us mindfully focus our intentions for our life experiences. Animal medicine offers us a powerful signpost for self-knowledge and clarity on life’s challenges. When a creature from nature appears to you repetitively or in some out-of-the-ordinary way, it is time to pay attention and find the message that nature is bringing you. This requires mindfulness and contemplation. Read the messages within these pages and take time to think about what these characteristics symbolize for you.

Remember, everything is energy, and all energy has a vibration. Plants and animals hold an energetic vibration. Rocks and crystals hold an energetic vibration. Colors hold an energetic vibration. Energetic vibrations reveal themselves to us as symbols and signs, offering us clues to light our path. Being aware of these signs and symbols is important for gaining the insight we are looking for to keep us on our desired course in life. Maintaining mindfulness is the key to self-actualization, which allows us to create our vision. Actualization is simply the action that makes something real in our lives. Mindfulness is our living experience, clearly realizing and being conscious of our thoughts and feelings in the present moment.

Eagle – PERSPECTIVE Sacred Messenger carries prayers to the creator and returns with gifts and visions.

“Eagle totem is an ally that assists you in raising your view and your intelligence so that you can see life from a greater perspective. With a bit of prayer, contemplation, and introspection, you can gain insight and understanding, which offers you a potential for advanced hindsight. They say, “Hindsight is 20-20,” meaning that it’s easy to understand and have a better perspective after the fact, but it is possible to foresee potential outcomes (and avoid them if necessary) when you have a wider perspective. Eagles fly at a high altitude, so Eagle energy helps you achieve greater heights and thereby gain a higher viewpoint.

When Eagle flies into your life, take the time to pray and send petitions for assistance to the heavenly realm. Calm the incessant chatter of your mind so that you can hear and receive Divine guidance. Be serene and regain your mental focus. Ask for understanding from a higher power in any area of your life. Once you ask, be mindful of signs, symbols, dreams, and messages that are sent to you to provide understanding and assistance. A higher aspect of yourself has the wisdom needed for most life situations. Eagle totem encourages you to spend time with elders. Ask them for their input to garner their wisdom. Take note of your insightfulness, and employ it when leading others.”

~ excerpt from Animal Totems and the Gemstone Kingdom by Margaret Ann Lembo

Weight10 oz
Dimensions6.5 × 2 × 2 in

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