
Capricorn Incense Sun Scents


Capricorn Incense Sun Scents

  • 12 Sticks per pack
  • All Natural
  • Handmade in New Mexico
  • Enjoy the scent of your Astrological sign. It will empower you to bring more harmony and balance into your life.
  • Attuning your sense of smell can bring greater rewards, better health, and inner peace.


Availability: 28 in stock

Capricorn Incense Sun Scents

Sun Scents Astrology Incense

  • 12 Sticks per pack
  • All Natural
  • Handmade in New Mexico
  • Enjoy the scent of your Astrological sign. It will empower you to bring more harmony and balance into your life.
  • Attuning your sense of smell can bring greater rewards, better health, and inner peace.

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Aries

March 22 – April 21
The Ram
Elements: Fire
Rules: Courage

“Aries is the first astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the first house of the astrological chart. The first house is known as the ascendant, the sign that was rising at the moment of your birth. The first house is the house of beginnings, your view of the world, and your personality. It is a cardinal sign, its planetary ruler is Mars, and its symbol is the ram. The other cardinal signs are Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Cardinal signs in the zodiac are the ones that start each of the seasons. Aries is the sign that starts spring. The element associated with Aries is Fire and those born under this sign tend to have a fiery nature. The key phrase is “I am.”

Aries are typically determined, confident, enthusiastic, and passionate. They may also be a bit impatient, aggressive, and possibly short-tempered. Aries are great leaders and are excellent at starting things. They have the ability to be pioneers and pathfinders. On a health level, they need to pay attention to anything to do with the head, like headaches or sinus challenges. It’s best for them to be mindful around insects, as they have a tendency to attract insect bites and stings.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Taurus

April 22 – May 21
The Bull
Elements: Earth
Rules: Strength

“Taurus is the second astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the second house of the astrological chart. The second house is the house of personal finance, the ability to make money, personal possessions, and values. It is an Earth sign, just like Virgo and Capricorn, which means Taurus people are grounded and focused. The key phrase is “I have.”

Taurus is a fixed sign, characterized by the positive qualities of loyalty, generosity, and stability. Your Taurus friends or coworkers will be reliable and responsible. On the flip side, Taurus may be a bit stubborn at times as indicated by their symbol, the bull. Ruled by Venus, they like to accumulate things, especially pretty things, which can also cause possessiveness. Taurus rules anything to do with neck or the throat, as well as excess weight and tendencies toward tension, so it’s beneficial to be mindful to prevent an out-of-balance condition.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Gemini

May 22 – June 21
The Twins
Elements: Air
Rules: Change

“Gemini is the third astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the third house of the astrological chart. The third house is the house associated with communication, siblings, short trips, neighbors, and thought processes. Gemini is an Air sign ruled by Mercury, the planet known for communication. Its symbol is the twins. The quality for Gemini is mutable, which means they typically go with the flow and allow most situations to evolve, finding the silver lining in the circumstances. The key phrase for Gemini is “I think.”

Gemini people are very adaptable and learn quickly. They tend to be a bit nervous and indecisive. They can be talkative and often display two different personalities, leaving their friends wondering which personality they will encounter on a given day. Gemini rules the hands, arms, lungs, bronchial passages, and nerves. Geminis do best if they engage in stress-free activities and pay attention to respiratory challenges like asthma. Plenty of rest is essential.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Cancer

June 22 – July 21
The Crab
Elements: Water
Rules: Emotions

“Cancer is the fourth astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the fourth house of the astrological chart. The fourth house is associated with the home, family, real estate, your mother (or father), and also how you see yourself. Cancer is a Cardinal sign whose planetary ruler is the Moon, a luminary or light; its symbol is the Crab. This sign starts summer on the summer solstice. The element associated with Cancer is Water. The key phrase for Cancer is “I feel.”

Cancer people are persistent and determined. The watery nature of Cancer may cause them to exhibit moodiness, mainly because the Moon rules this sign. The latter cycles add energy to the emotional and sensitive nature of those born under this sign. They are family-oriented, nurturing, and empathetic. From a medical, physical perspective, people born under this sign may face digestive challenges.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Leo

July 22 – August 21
The Lion
Elements: Fire
Rules: Friendship

“Leo is the fifth astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the fifth house of the astrological chart. The fifth house is associated with conception, children, romance, sex, pleasure, creativity, and hobbies. Leo is a fixed sign whose planetary ruler is the Sun, a light or luminary, and its associated element is Fire. Leos are proud, regal, and fiery, and they tend to think they are the ruler of everyone. The symbol for Leo is the lion. The key phrase for Leo is “I will.”

Leos like to be in the limelight and can often be found “on stage” or in the performing arts. Self-confidence is not an issue for Leo personality. They are passionate, driven, and may forget to pay attention to others because they are so self-absorbed. Leos are funny and fun, as well as stubborn and egotistical. They often have a gorgeous head of hair—a glorious mane. On a physical level, those born under this sign of Leo need to pay attention to their blood pressure, which may tend to be too high or too low. They may have a tendency toward heart problems and spinal challenges.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Virgo

August 22 – September 21
The Virgin
Elements: Earth
Rules: Tranquility

“Virgo is the sixth astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the sixth house of the astrological chart. The sixth house is the house associated with daily routines, occupation, employees, service, food, and health. Virgo is a mutable sign, the planetary ruler is Mercury, the planet of communication, and the symbol is the virgin. The element for Virgo is the Earth, which brings good energy to their qualities of responsibility, hard work, and dedication. Virgos are focused on work, health, and service. The key phrase for Virgo is “I analyze.”

People with Virgo energy are very resourceful, organized, and detail-oriented, though they might have a tendency to be critical
and a bit judgmental. They have no sympathy for the lazy. Virgo personalities can be anxious and suffer from nervous tension. They need to pay attention to their digestion and intestines.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Libra

September 22 – October 21
The Scales
Elements: Air
Rules: Attraction

“Libra is the seventh astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the seventh house of the astrological chart. The seventh house is associated with marriage, partnerships, and all one-on-one relationships. Libra is a Cardinal sign, its planetary ruler is Venus, and its symbol is the scales. Libra announces the arrival of the autumnal season—the Fall Equinox. The element associated with Libra is Air. The key phrase for Libra is “I balance.”

Libras often weigh and think about things before they make a decision, and sometimes their decisions take a while. They can be a bit scattered. They are usually pretty and like pretty things around them because of the influence of their ruling planet, Venus. They are kind and gentle and want harmony and peace in their lives and wherever they go. Libras have a hard time saying no to anyone. Those born with Libra influence avoid confrontation and may carry a grudge for many years. On a physical level, it is best for Libras to pay attention to their kidneys and the potential for overindulgence. Libras may tend toward obesity.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Scorpio

October 22 – November 21
The Scorpion
Elements: Water
Rules: Success

“Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the eighth house of the astrological chart. The eighth house is associated with death and rebirth, taxes, insurance, sex, and other people’s money, like prizes and inheritances. Scorpio is a fixed sign, its planetary rulers are Pluto and Mars, and its symbol is the Scorpion. Scorpio is a Water sign. The key phrase for Scorpio is “I desire.”

Scorpios make good friends. They may be stubborn and jealous, but they are brave and passionate. Scorpios like a good fight. They are very intense people and are secretive, though they dislike secrets. Passive people won’t do well around Scorpios. They are resourceful and can make good managers. They are dedicated, determined, and ambitious. Their determination often brings financial success. Pluto, the ruling planet of Scorpio, is associated with hidden ailments and ailments of the reproductive system.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Sagittarius

November 22 – December 21
The Archer
Elements: Fire
Rules: Truth

“Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the ninth house of the astrological chart. The ninth house is associated with philosophy, religion, abstract thinking, higher education, learning, spiritual connections, dreams, long-distance travel, foreign countries, and publishing. It is a mutable sign, the planetary ruler is Jupiter, and its symbol is the centaur or archer. The element for Sagittarius is Fire. The key phrase is “I see.”

Sagittarius people are optimistic, humorous, and generous. They enjoy travel as a means of expanding their minds and their horizons. They tend to lack diplomacy in the things they say to others. Jupiter, the ruling sign of Sagittarius, rules the liver; therefore, it is important that they be mindful of overindulgence in food, alcohol, and drugs. Body parts ruled by this sign include the hips and thighs.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Capricorn

December 22 – January 19
The Goat
Elements: Earth
Rules: Prosperity

“Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the tenth house of the astrological chart. The tenth house is the place of authority figures, including Mother and Father, public reputation, career, and profession. Capricorn is a Cardinal sign, its planetary ruler is Saturn, and its symbol is the goat. Capricorn is the sign that starts with the Winter Solstice, marking the beginning of winter. The element for Capricorn is Earth. The key phrase is “I use.”

Capricorns are practical and ambitious. They tend to be a bit cold or standoffish in their demeanor. Perfection can be a negative or positive, depending on the individual Capricorn. They are persistent and productive and pride themselves on doing better than others. Capricorns have great potential for extreme wealth and financial success. Social status is important to most Capricorns. Saturn, the planetary ruler of Capricorn, rules the skin, teeth, and bones. Other body parts ruled by Capricorn are the joints and knees.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Aquarius

January 20 – February 21
The Waterbearer
Elements: Air
Rules: Dreams

“Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the eleventh house of the astrological chart. The eleventh house is associated with friendships, social groups, large groups, humanitarian efforts, and hopes, wishes, and dreams. This house is the house of self-realization and inner reflection. Aquarius is a fixed sign and its element is Air. The ruling planet is Uranus. Some astrologers include Saturn as a ruling planet as well. The symbol for Aquarius is the water bearer, which signifies the intention to seek and provide spiritual fulfillment, as well as knowledge for all. The key phrase for Aquarius is “I know.”

Aquarians are truthful, affectionate, and imaginative. Because their ruling planet is Uranus, they tend to be unpredictable, easily distracted, and prone to going off course. They are sometimes perceived as eccentric. Those born under the sign of Aquarius are extremely intelligent. They can be inflexible and unreliable, though you can depend on them to be spontaneous. The tendency toward addiction is a possibility. Aquarians may have challenges with circulation, varicose veins, arthritis, and muscular spasms. Body parts ruled by Aquarius include the ankles, Achilles tendons, calves, shins, and eyes.”

Sun Scents Astrology Incense – Pisces

February 22 – March 21
The Fish
Elements: Water
Rules: Intuition

“Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the twelfth house of the astrological chart. The twelfth house is associated with the subconscious mind, hidden activities, connections to past lives, hospitals, institutions, confinement, and secrets. It is a mutable sign, and its planetary ruler is Neptune. Some astrologers include Jupiter as a ruling planet for Pisces. Its symbol is the fish, two fish tied together and swimming in opposite directions. The element for Pisces is Water. The key phrase is “I believe.”

Pisces are very compassionate and empathetic. They need to be aware of whether the feelings they are experiencing are their own or if they are picking up on someone else’s feelings. Pisces are artistic and highly intuitive, and they enjoy art and music. They can be moody and vague. They tend to be lazy, want to be left alone to sleep, and wanting to escape reality, so it’s essential to pay attention if Pisces is being drawn toward drinking or drug use. They don’t appreciate people in authority or people who act as if they know more than they do. Pisces rules drug and alcohol addiction and general lethargy. The body parts ruled by Pisces are the feet, immune system, hormones, and glands.”

Excerpt from Crystals Beyond Beginners: Awaken Your Consciousness with Precious Gifts from the Earth by Margaret Ann Lembo

Check out the rest of our Incense here.

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 9 × 1.75 × 0.75 in

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