Fairy Cottage with Gemstone Tree – Chakra Stones
Fairy Cottage with Gemstone Tree A tiny house with detailed stone walls and a thatched roof made just for fairies or other tiny creatures. Shaded by a Chakra Gemstone Tree containing a mixture of Amethyst, Carnelian, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Green Aventurine, Red Jasper, and Sodalite
The word “chakra” is a Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “vortex.” The seven main chakras or energy centers that make up your body begin at the base of the spine with the root chakra and end at the head with the crown chakra—and all of them are energetically connected. When one or more of your chakras becomes blocked or out of alignment, it affects your mental state or your emotional balance.
A little bit About the Stones:
Amethyst: Transformation
Affirmation: I create my reality. I can change my reality. It’s easy for me to transform and transmute challenging situations. I use my intuition and follow my hunches.
Emotional uses: When you realize your emotions need to be transformed or significantly shifted, amethyst’s purple energy gives you the strength and wherewithal to make the change.
Carnelian: Creativity
Affirmation: I am fertile in body, mind, and spirit. Creativity flows through me in a myriad of ways. I am courageous and bravely bring my ideas into actuality.
Emotional uses: Carnelian is a good tool to help you dive into your emotions either through art, music, writing, or any creative outlet. It reminds you to give yourself the time to create and the courage to take the action to make it so. This stone also helps you embrace the emotions and feelings of past challenges, accept them, and move on. A stone for action and moving forward in life, it is useful when you are up against an emotional block.
Citrine: Brilliance
Affirmation: I am confident and courageous. Prosperity abounds in my life. Goodness multiplies. Whatever I desire, imagine, and passionately act upon becomes a reality.
Emotional uses: Citrine activates self-confidence and joy. Use this stone to help you out of depression and relieve any feelings of inferiority or unworthiness. Let the golden rays of this stone dissipate whatever challenge or negative emotion is blocking your way to happiness.
Clear Quartz: Clarity
Affirmation: I am a clear channel of love, light, and well-being. All is well in my life. I have great mental clarity, balanced emotions, and financial abundance. All of my heart’s desires are realized now! The way is always evident and effortless.
Emotional uses: Clear quartz helps you get clear on the real source of your emotional upset. Pay attention to your feelings and emotions while holding clear quartz as it amplifies whatever you are focused on
Green Aventurine: As Luck Would Have It . . .
Affirmation: I am so incredibly lucky! I have many blessings in my life. Abundance and prosperity are constantly flowing in my life.
Emotional uses. Green aventurine can affect your emotional well-being, so be sure to keep a green aventurine near your heart while you sleep to recalibrate your emotions each night.
Red Jasper: Manifesto Presto!
Affirmation: I am grounded and focused on the task at hand. I complete projects. I enjoy and share the result of my creative endeavors. I am motivated to accomplish all that needs to be done. I live life with vim, vigor, and vitality. My passion for living is dynamic.
Emotional uses: Red jasper tumbled reactivates your passion for living when you’ve been feeling apathetic, unemotional, or spiritually defunct.
Sodalite: The Peaceful Intuitive
Affirmation: I am calm. I am relaxed, and all is well. I sail through life on calm, nurturing waters and enjoy good health free. I am extremely intuitive. It is easy for me to make decisions. I am at peace with myself and the world around me
Emotional uses: Sodalite balances rampant emotions. This is a perfect stone for calming and releasing anger and frustration. Use this stone to help quell emotional outbursts brought on by PMS, menopause, or any other hormone-related upsets.
Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones (Llewellyn 2013) by Margaret Ann Lembo
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