
Rainbow Suncatcher


Rainbow Suncatcher

Featuring a stained glass effect with gold metal outlines filled with a translucent resin that allows light to shine through, our Crystal Wonders look the same from both sides. When hung in a window with the light streaming in, these colorful ornaments are breathtaking.

Rainbows represent many things. They are a symbol of hope and promise. They also represent the “rainbow bridge” where pets are reborn and await their masters. Finally, the many-colored rainbow is used as a symbol of diversity and human rights. Whatever it means to you, our Crystal Wonders – Rainbow is sure to let the sunshine in!

Availability: 2 in stock

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Rainbow Suncatcher

Rainbow Suncatcher

Featuring a stained glass effect with gold metal outlines filled with a translucent resin that allows light to shine through, our Crystal Wonders look the same from both sides. When hung in a window with the light streaming in, these colorful ornaments are breathtaking.

Rainbows represent many things. They are a symbol of hope and promise. They also represent the “rainbow bridge” where pets are reborn and await their masters. Finally, the many-colored rainbow is used as a symbol for diversity and human rights. Whatever it means to you, our Crystal Wonders – Rainbow is sure to let the sunshine in!

Product Properties
  • Genuine Austrian crystals
  • gold finish plated brass chain
  • gold stainless steel and multi-color translucent resin ornament
  • Overall Length: 4.5 inches [Length: 7” w/ chain] – Width: 2.5 inches
  • Boxed Weight: 0 lb.
  • Made in the United Kingdom

“Use the colors of the rainbow to support you with each transformational experience—red for vitality and protection, orange for action and creativity, yellow for confidence and courage, green and pink for loving-kindness, blue for ease in expression, purple for alignment with intuitive gifts, and white for clarity of purpose. Install positive thought forms, or mental energy, in the emotional body immediately after an emotional release.” – Excerpted from Animal Totems And The Gemstone Kingdom: Spiritual Connections Of Crystal Vibrations And Animal Medicine by Margaret Ann Lembo

Rainbow Affirmation

The rainbow of light and positive energy expands my consciousness. My dreams are emerging to guide me on my path. I pay attention to my dreams and easily interpret them. I am aligned with the movement of the moon. I take the time for reflection. I observe how the world around me is a mirror of the world within me. – Excerpted from Animal Totems And The Gemstone Kingdom: Spiritual Connections Of Crystal Vibrations And Animal Medicine by Margaret Ann Lembo

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