Holy Connections Inside and Out
Affirmation: I feel and know the presence of the Divine within and around me. I attract good friends and acquaintances into my life. My friends and colleagues are people of integrity. I have extraordinary good fortune in all aspects of my life, especially in my interpersonal relationships.
Color: Mossy green with white striations
Chakra(s): crown and heart
Astrological sign(s): Aquarius
Mohs scale: 2–2.5
Spiritual uses: This stone facilitates communication with the angelic realm, including Archangel Raphael, by aligning you with the higher planes. It helps you stay connected to the Divine spark within yourself as well as with the outer aspects of God.
Mental uses: Seraphinite brings clarity and the energetic integration of complex higher intellectual matters into your knowledge base. Use this stone as your companion as you strive for higher scholarly attributes. This stone helps you to integrate your ability to use telepathy for better communication skills and thereby gain mental clarity.
Emotional uses: Seraphinite evaporates old watery emotions. It helps to cleanse away feelings that no longer serve you by bringing clarity to the source of the emotional imbalance, thereby releasing its charge or effect on you. Use this stone to cut cords still clinging to you from past relationships.
Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones (Llewellyn. 2013) by Margaret Ann Lembo
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