
Crystal Grids on the Desk and in the Office

Crystal Grids on the Desk and in the Office

“The choices for placement of stones on your desk are unlimited. There is no need to make geometric formations with the crystals placed on a desk, though you can if you wish, of course. Simply place gemstones within your line of sight and your reach so you can gaze at the stone or pick it up easily. Again, you can create a crystal grid for your desk and/or office that suits exactly the type of energy you want to invite into your work life.

What’s on My Desk? What’s on Your Desk?
Keeping crystals and gemstones close by while you work is a powerful way to bring in all types of positive energy, like extra focus, high motivation, deep intuition, unleashed creativity, and so on. My writing desk is always covered by a variety of gemstones, which I might change from time to time depending on what sort of energy I want to invite into my workspace. I place all the stones within my line of vision in a row in front of my monitors. You may want to create a special grid with the stones you place on your desk or just line them up like I do. Here’s what you’ll find on my desk as I write this, and what these same stones might do for you in your workspace:

Carnelian—This beautiful tumbled piece of carnelian is a constant reminder to me to take action and give birth to the many ideas and inspirational products that flow through my consciousness. I consider this particular piece my writing companion. Sometimes it’s just in my peripheral vision reminding me to maintain forward momentum with a manuscript or article. Other times, it’s a motivator to finalize something.

Clear quartz tabular point—A tabular point is flat and narrow on one termination and the other point is rounder and wider, making this piece of quartz a bit unusual looking. The flat portion on one side of the point has triangular markings, creating a crystalline castle–type appearance. I gaze at this stone when I’m contemplating what I’ll be writing next or when I’m happily waiting for a deeper understanding of something so that I can put it in writing.

Elestial (record keeper) quartz—I keep two elestial smoky quartz crystals on my desk to keep me in communication with the angelic realm. One is shaped like a scepter point with cathedral-like turret formations. The record keeper markings (which look like a series of fine triangular etchings, but are completely natural) are predominant on both of them. Legend has it that these geometric treasures (which hold records of the past, present, and potential future realities) were brought to earth by the heavenly realm through the ethers, which is why this skeletal-like quartz often looks singed.

Sodalite—I keep three pieces of this stone on my desk. Two are large tumbled stones, and the other is an extraordinary heart-shaped piece. I focus on this trio when I need to calm myself and slow down. If I feel agitated about something, especially if it involves a business matter that I’m discussing on the phone, I either hold them or gaze at them to ground myself and regain my sense of calm. Also, the deep blue of this stone aligns me with the energy of inspired thinking while I write.

Kunzite—Three pieces of kunzite have their home on my desk. Kunzite is my constant reminder to stay focused on love and kindness. As a human, it is too easy to get angry or feel frustrated. Kunzite reminds me to stay focused on my heart; therefore, anything unlike love melts away.

Jade— My jade is my reminder that it takes a community to do all the work I offer and that the wonderful members of my staff are an integral part of getting the message of love and positive thinking out into the world.”

Excerpted from Crystals Beyond Beginners: Awaken Your Consciousness with Precious Gifts from the Earth

More on Crystal Grids in the upcoming weeks here in this blog and on our Facebook Page and Instagram feed.


Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening; The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; Archangels & Gemstone Guardians Cards, and many more. Her latest book is Crystals Beyond Beginners: Awaken Your Consciousness with Precious Gifts from the Earth. Margaret Ann is an evolutionary aromatherapist and the owner of The Crystal Garden — the conscious living store of the Palm Beaches established 1988. www.MargaretAnnLembo.com TheCrystalGarden.com

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