
Improve Your Communication Skills with Crystals and Gemstones

Improve Your Communication Skills with Crystals and Gemstones
By Margaret Ann Lembo

Crystals, minerals, and stones help you maintain mindfulness and focused intent. Mindfulness is awareness of your thoughts and consciously choosing which thoughts you allow into your mind. We create reality with every thought, word, and action. You use mind power and clear intention to design your days and life.

Pick gemstones that match your thoughts to amplify your intention. Look at your collections of crystals, gemstone jewelry, and bracelets, and let your eye naturally gravitate to what you need. Yes, you innately know which stones are best for your intended goals. It is OK to use multiple gems at the same time.

Amazonite Palm StoneAmazonite helps you graciously speak up for yourself and reminds you to listen to what others say. Listening helps both parties avoid making inaccurate assumptions that might lead to hurt feelings. With this stone in hand, you can better discern the truth and set boundaries with those around you who are not coming from a place of genuineness and integrity. When your words come from a loving and compassionate place, they have the power to heal or improve a situation. Think these thoughts to establish ease with expressing yourself: It is easy for me to honestly communicate what is on my mind. I speak eloquently. I am heard. I stand up for myself. I say what I need to say. I surround myself with people who speak their truth.

Angelite helps you communicate eloquently with the help of the angels. Call on the angels to release the emotional charge from yourAngelite Angel Cover photo conversations. Here is a little positive thought form to instill into your mind with Angelite in hand: I feel calm and at peace. My emotions are balanced and calm. Guidance and inspiration from my angels and spirit guides come to me constantly.

Use the blue lace agate to improve good communication with others. Use it when you want to be heard and truly understood. Listening well is equally important, so this gem is a good reminder to hear what others are saying. When you gaze at your blue lace agate, use an affirmation like this: I have good timing when communicating. It is easy for me to express myself. I am understood. I truly hear what others are sharing.

Blue Calcite HeartBlue calcite helps you become more aware of what you say and how you say it. The vibration coming through your voice says as much, if not more, than the words being said. Use this affirmation with your blue calcite: I speak with love and kindness. I communicate softly, regardless of what I need to express. I powerfully express with loving-kindness. Love vibrates through the sounds that come through me.

The light blue stones are helpful for communication because they are associated with a balanced throat chakra, the primary energy center for expressing and receiving communication. But don’t limit the choice of crystals to just light blue stones. With some understanding of the chakra system, you can amplify your intentions based on what you know about yourself.

Have fun with crystals and maintain mindfulness while using them on and around you. As you establish thoughts and intentions, create your reality with these sparkling treasures for the earth. They are an ally and support you in your life. Remember, you, too, are a treasure of the earth!

Bio: Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; Crystals Beyond Beginners; Chakra Awakening; and many more books on gemstones, aromatherapy, and the power of positive thought. She is an award-winning aromatherapist and the owner of The Crystal Garden – the conscious living store of the Palm Beaches established in 1988. Find out more about Margaret Ann at TheCrystalGarden.com and MargaretAnnLembo.com

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