Pink Botswana Agate
Color: a combination of translucent to opaque banded swirls of pink, peach, gray, black, white, beige, brown, and/or orange
Chakra(s): heart, root, solar, and navel
About the stone: Botswana agate is silicon dioxide forming microcrystalline quartz exhibiting white and gray banding. The stones are translucent to opaque and found in Botswana, Africa.
Astrological sign(s): Virgo, Gemini
Mohs scale: 6.5–7
Spiritual uses: The banded patterns within this stone form a vortex of energy that opens your spiritual ears and eyes, enabling you to receive channeled messages.
Mental uses: The swirling colors of Botswana agate amplify the creative vibe for connecting with artistic ideas.
Emotional uses: Botswana agate can help you step into your swirling emotions by using abstract thinking. Because it aids with the ability to look at things outside the box, it provides objectivity. It promotes observing your emotions from many different angles, thereby removing the strong attachment to those emotions. Use this stone to tap into the expression of emotions through art.
Physical uses: Use Pink Botswana Agate to receive additional assistance in manifesting conscious action to make your intentions a reality. This is a stone for artists and inventors.
Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones. (Llewellyn. 2013) by Margaret Ann Lembo
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