This deck of 44 oracle cards, Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards, by Margaret Ann Lembo, familiarizes you with 44 gemstones. Using this card deck will enable the gemstones and angels to bring you messages to increase your awareness. The gemstone and its associated message on the front of the card give you insights. The angel associated with the gemstone on the other side of the card provides you with a positive affirmation to help you transform your reality.
” Angels all around
Angels are luminous beings of light emanating from God, the Divine. Whether or not you are conscious of them, you have many invisible helpers around you every moment of your life. Imagine them there or just know that a large group of invisible helpers are ready to come to your aid. They’re watching over you, inspiring you, and guiding you along your path through life. They’re with you 24/7, when you are sleeping and when you are awake. And they’re just a thought away when you’re ready to be conscious of them. Angels have a high vibration and provide energetic assistance to us upon request. The personalities and qualities of these spiritual beings bring a plethora of positive vibes to your spiritual table.”
“The angelic realm is waiting for you to give them permission to help and need specific requests to activate their assistance. Because humans have free will, angels need to be asked to assist us or intervene on our behalf. They respond to thoughts and “hear” what you are thinking if you want them to help. To gain angelic assistance, simply think of the type of assistance you need or want. Determine the area of life to which it pertains. Then ask the everyday angel to guide you and inspire you to achieve that goal or intention.”
Excerpt from The Essential Guide to Everyday Angels by Margaret Ann Lembo
Take a look at Margaret Ann’s deck, Archangels and Gemstone Guardians Cards.
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