Black Onyx Raven – Small
“When Raven flies into your life, you have the opportunity to glimpse potential future realities. Every thought you’ve had until now has created your current reality, and every thought you will have creates your future. With Raven as your ally, you can cultivate the gift of prophecy and use it to garner wisdom and benefit all beings.
Ravens are dedicated to the disposal of the dead. They are scavengers that pick at the decaying flesh of dead animals, keeping the environment clean from bacteria and fungi. Raven is an excellent ally if you are dealing with the deterioration or decline of some part of your life. Raven’s vibration can help you consciously release whatever is dead or dying within your mind and body before it has a chance to decay. When you learn Raven’s lesson, you liberate yourself and improve your health and well-being.”
Excerpt from Animal Totems and the Gemstone Kingdom by Margaret Ann Lembo
About Black Onyx
Color: Black
Chakra(s): Root
Color: Onyx is a form of chalcedony which is usually black and white. Very often this material is dyed to a black color and used in jewelry.
Element(s): Earth
Spiritual uses: Black onyx is beneficial to establish a protective shield when offering spiritual counseling, tarot card readings, channeling, automatic writing and any other modality that opens you up to psychic influences. The blue-green variety of this stone amplifies the telepathic connection with your own higher consciousness and helps you tap into the Akashic Records (the history of the cosmos) Use it when you intend to obtain messages from the angelic realm to open your intuitive ears. Historically, chalcedony was sacred to the goddess Diana.
Mental uses: Black onyx is a perfect stone for your desk or wherever you perform your work—be it a carpenter’s workstation, an aircraft mechanic’s toolbox, or a daycare provider’s pocket. This stone helps provide mental focus, grounding, and the ability to stay on task. Use black onyx to deflect negative thought forms or mental energy.
Emotional uses: Use this stone as a grounding tool and feel safe in its presence. Place a black onyx next to your bed if you have nightmares or night terror. Make it your intention that the stone will guard against any negative influences while you sleep peacefully. Black onyx, specifically, is beneficial for releasing any type of fear.
Excerpt from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones by Margaret Ann Lembo