Crown Chakra Bracelet
The Crown Chakra is your connection to the Divine. A healthy Crown Chakra will bring you guidance and inspiration. Life force from a greater power will flow through your system.
This bracelet is specially made with:
Selenite aligns you with a higher consciousness: love. Associated with Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, this gemstone is a heaven-sent tool that activates your connection with ancient wisdom and knowledge. Use it during meditation to align your awareness with spiritual master teachers, Ascended Masters, angels, and spirit guides
Shungite for protection
Amethyst helps protect you from psychic attacks and clear out the negative thoughts of the day.
Rainbow Moonstone is a perfect tool for increasing your intuition and trusting the process of becoming intuitive.
Chapter 8
Golden White Light with Violet Energy and the Crown Chakra
Envision a golden globe around the crown of your head. To help you do this, imagine halos you see portrayed in iconic artwork of saints and angels. Stop right now—pause and imagine you have this golden-white light around the crown of your own head. Throw in a splash of pale violet. Imagine that the light around your head has sparkling light particles, and those particles are like antennas picking up the frequency of Divine Consciousness. Align with the belief that these particles help you tap into being a miracle worker aligned with Divine Consciousness.
The golden halo is a luminescent globe of sparkling particles of light surrounding your head. This halo is a reflection of your connection with higher wisdom and knowledge. Golden white energy with a tinge of violet, or the crown chakra, is located at the top of your head. The primary colors associated with this chakra are white, pale golden light and violet.
~ an excerpt from Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy and the Power of Positive Thought
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