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Chakra Spray set of 7 sprays


The Crystal Garden Brand Aromatherapy Sprays, Medical Grade Essential Oils, and Roll-Ons are non-refundable for health and safety reasons.

This set includes all 7 Chakra Sprays

Chakra Sprays Set

Crown Chakra Spray: Divine Mind                             

Spray this synergy blend to activate the seventh chakra. Visualize a halo of white light filled with golden particles surrounding your head. Use this spray to increase your connection with Divine Consciousness and the ability to channel and access miracles.

Affirm: “I am aligned with the Divine. Access to higher wisdom and knowledge is mine. I am a miracle worker.”

Ingredients: Water; Proprietary Blend of Medical Grade Essential Oils; Holy Waters from around the world; Sacred Site Essences from around the world; Bach Flower Essences; Gemstone Tinctures .

Third Eye Chakra Spray: Spiritual Sight

Spray this synergy blend to activate the sixth chakra. Visualize indigo light at the center of your forehead.  Use this spray to activate and improve your intuition, knowledge, and wisdom.

Affirm: “I am extremely intuitive and I follow my inner guidance. I awaken my consciousness and receive guidance all the time.”

Ingredients: Water; Proprietary Blend of Medical Grade Essential Oils; Holy Waters from around the world; Sacred Site Essences from around the world; Bach Flower Essences; Gemstone Tinctures.

Throat Chakra Spray: Communication & Angelic Alignment

Spray this synergy blend to activate the fifth chakra. Visualize sky blue or turquoise light around your neck. Use this spray to improve your ability to communicate with others and the angels. Know your truth, speak your truth, live your truth.

Affirm:  “I communicate from my heart directly to the hearts of others. Angels provide guidance to me all the time.”

Ingredients: Water; Proprietary Blend of Medical Grade Essential Oils; Holy Waters from around the world; Sacred Site Essences from around the world; Bach Flower Essences; Gemstone Tinctures .

Heart Chakra Spray: Divine Love & Compassion     

Spray this synergy blend to activate the fourth chakra. Visualize green and pink light radiating from the center of your chest. Use this spray to create a bridge of Love and Well-Being for all.

Affirm: “I am love. All that surrounds me and all that is attracted to me is love.”

Ingredients: Water; Proprietary Blend of Medical Grade Essential Oils; Holy Waters from around the world; Sacred Site Essences from around the world; Bach Flower Essences; Gemstone Tinctures .

Solar Plexus Chakra Spray: Confidence, Integration & Magnificence     

Spray this synergy blend to activate the third chakra. Visualize golden yellow light from the sun shining brightly at your solar plexus. Use this spray to amplify joy, personal power, self-confidence, mental clarity, and the ability to shine your light.

Affirm: “I am confident, courageous and I shine my light brightly. I am magnificent!”

Ingredients: Water; Proprietary Blend of Medical Grade Essential Oils; Holy Waters from around the world; Sacred Site Essences from around the world; Bach Flower Essences; Gemstone Tinctures .

Navel Chakra Spray: Creative Flow & Manifest Now

Spray this synergy blend to activate the second chakra. Visualize orange light around your belly. Use this spray to remove blocks and increase your courage in bringing your ideas into actuality. Imagine your life as you want it to be!

Affirm: ”My imagination is the key to my success. I envision my future and joyfully participate as it unfolds.”

Ingredients: Water; Proprietary Blend of Medical Grade Essential Oils; Holy Waters from around the world; Sacred Site Essences from around the world; Bach Flower Essences; Gemstone Tinctures

Root Chakra Spray: Earth Connection

Spray this synergy blend to activate the first chakra. Visualize red light at the base of your spine. Use this spray to improve your focus, passion, motivation, prosperity, health and vitality.

Affirm: “Vital life force flows through me. My energy abounds and I am grounded and productive. I am strong, healthy and prosperous.”

Ingredients: Water; Proprietary Blend of Medical Grade Essential Oils; Holy Waters from around the world; Sacred Site Essences from around the world; Bach Flower Essences; Gemstone Tinctures.

Portions above excerpted from Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy and the Power of Positive Thought by Margaret Ann Lembo





Weight 20.3 oz
Dimensions 9 × 3 × 4.75 in


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