Labyrinth or Band Ring – Size 6
Labyrinth or Band Ring
- Ring 1 – Band Ring 3mm wide
- Ring 2 – Labyrinth .5″
Spiral Symbology
Spirals assist you in reaching in to examine the deeper recesses of your mind. It is helpful for resolving problems or issues by getting to the center of the challenge.
Are you spiraling round and round? Are trying to find the answers to a situation in your life? This symbol signals a time to stop, go within and allow yourself to step into the deep recesses of your mind and emotions to uncover the truth. It can be helpful to go to the ocean or a body of water to take the time to reflect.
Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones (Llewellyn. ) by Margaret Ann Lembo
In English, the term labyrinth is generally synonymous with maze. As a result of the long history of unicursal representation of the mythological Labyrinth, however, many contemporary scholars and enthusiasts observe a distinction between the two. In this specialized usage maze refers to a complex branching multicursal puzzle with choices of path and direction, while a unicursal labyrinth has only a single path to the center. A labyrinth in this sense has an unambiguous route to the center and back and presents no navigational challenge.
Unicursal labyrinths appeared as designs on pottery or basketry, as body art, and in etchings on walls of caves or churches. The Romans created many primarily decorative unicursal designs on walls and floors in tile or mosaic. Many labyrinths set in floors or on the ground are large enough that the path can be walked. Unicursal patterns have been used historically both in group ritual and for private meditation, and are increasingly found for therapeutic use in hospitals and hospices.
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