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Smudge in Spray 2 oz.


The Crystal Garden Brand Aromatherapy Sprays, Medical Grade Essential Oils, and Roll-Ons are non-refundable for health and safety reasons.

#1 Best seller worldwide!

Use liquid Smudge in Spray instead of smoky smudge products for clearing. Intend to replace negativity with Love, Light and Well-being. Spray it around you and your space.

Synergistic proprietary formula received through Divine Inspiration by Margaret Ann Lembo.

Also available in 4 oz size and an 8 oz refill size


Smudge in Spray 2 oz

Smudge in Spray, our number one bestseller, this herbaceous blend can clear negative energy from your space and bring in love and light. With its blend of holy waters, this spray also calms your fears and eases your mind. Smudge in Spray is used by nurses, police officers, office workers, and everyone in between to clear out negative energy and strife. Perfect for use in your car, hotel rooms, offices, and hospital rooms. Keep the energy of your space as clear as you keep it physically clean with this liquid alternative to smoking smudge products.

Ingredients: Water; Proprietary Blend of Medical Grade Essential Oils; Holy Waters from around the world; Sacred Site Essences from around the world; Bach Flower Essences.

Waters: Chalice Well Water; Spring from Mother Mary’s home in Anatolia, Turkey; St. Germain in France, St. Anne’s Cathedral in Quebec and many more.

Also available in 4 oz size and an 8 oz refill size

Space Clearing With Essential Oils: The Background Of Smudge In Spray

“It was around 1995 when the idea of Smudge in Spray came to me. At that time, I would open each class or event with a clearing and prayer using my blend, Margaret’s Sacred Smudge Blend. It’s a wonderful blend of herbs, powders, and resins that requires burning it using a charcoal disc. While Margaret’s Sacred Smudge Blend is potent and effective for removing negative energy and replacing it with blessings, it is a very smoky experience. The attendees of the events didn’t like the smoke, nor did my lungs!

They say necessity is the mother of invention; in this case, it was true. I had just been certified as an aromatherapist when the formula—a proprietary blend of medical-grade oils—came to me. Most of the formulas for the over 65 blends in my line came to me through Divine inspiration. I heard the ingredients in my consciousness and created Smudge in Spray. In addition to seven medical-grade essential oils, Smudge in Spray has Holy Waters and Sacred Site essences.”

Click here to read more >>>

What is Smudging?

“Smudging is the traditional spiritual practice of clearing away negative thoughtforms (the manifestation of mental energy) and other negative vibrations with the smoke of burning herbs, typically dried sage. The sage used for smudging is usually either high desert sage or white wide-leaf sage and is often bound into a bundle called a smudge stick. Other dried herbs, such as cedar, are sometimes added to the bundle as well. Loose dried herbs and resins (like incense sticks) can also be used for smudging.”

Excerpt from All About Smudging – an ebook by Margaret Ann Lembo

Made with Love by Margaret Ann Lembo
The Crystal Garden, Inc.
877-444-5099 • www.TheCrystalGarden.com
For external use only. Shake well.

Weight 2.9 oz
Dimensions 2.25 × 1.5 × 4.75 in


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