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Little Bit Of Intuition: An Introduction To Extrasensory Perception


A Little Bit Of Intuition: An Introduction To Extrasensory Perception to guide you on your journey, including projection, imagination, and more.

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A Little Bit Of Intuition: An Introduction To Extrasensory Perception

by Catherine Allan

This entry in the popular Little Bit Of series helps you understand, and develop, your powers of intuition.

Intuition is something we’re all born with and use every day. But generally, it’s not consciously explored and strengthened like a muscle. But with the right work, we all can increase our intuitive ability. This fascinating introduction guides you, with the help of real-life examples from over two decades as a spiritual life coach, how to listen to your inner knowing, act upon it, and discover the resulting flow and magic that comes from living life intuitively.

Develop the power of intuition

Intuition is our capacity to know without logic, research, proof, or linear thinking. We all have it, whether we’re conscious of it or not, and we use it every day. What’s more, with the right training, we can increase our intuitive ability. This fascinating introduction will guide you on your journey, including discerning true intuition versus fear, projection, imagination, or desire plus practice exercises and training-from journaling to joining an intuition circle, and more.

ESP. extrasensory perception: perception or communication outside of normal sensory capability, as in telepathy and clairvoyance.

Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without recourse to conscious reasoning. Different writers give the word “intuition” a great variety of different meanings, ranging from direct access to … Wikipedia

About the Author:

Catharine Allan is a clairvoyant medium, spiritual life coach, tarot reader, and astrologer. She has more than 20 years of experience helping clients around the world to work through major life choices like marriage, career direction, buying a home, having children, going through a breakup, job loss, or spiritual crisis. Catharine is featured in Victoria Loustalot’s Future Perfect: A Skeptic’s Search for an Honest Mystic (Little A). She lives in Montreal, Quebec.

See all of our Books Here.


Weight 6.4 oz
Dimensions 7.25 × 5.25 × 0.5 in


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