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Apatite Free Form


Taking It All In!

Affirmation: I am healthy, whole, and complete. My body is perfect. I am the perfect weight for my height, build, and genetics. I exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, sleep well, and eat healthy nutritious foods. My digestive processes are healthy. I easily absorb and process all that goes on around me.


Availability: 2 in stock

Apatite Free Form


  • Portal to communicate with spirit guides
  • Assists in clearing thoughts
  • Assists in being conscious of emotional eating

Affirmation: I am healthy, whole, and complete. My body is perfect. I am the perfect weight for my height, build, and genetics. I exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, sleep well, and eat healthy nutritious foods. My digestive processes are healthy. I easily absorb and process all that goes on around me.

Color: deep teal, blue, green, or yellow

Chakra(s): throat and solar plexus

About the stone: Apatite is a calcium phosphate that crystallizes in the hexagonal system with stocky prismatic to tabular crystals. The mineral can be transparent to opaque.

Astrological sign(s): Virgo

Mohs scale: 5

Spiritual uses:  Apatite Free Form aids the assimilation process of the information in a grounded way so that it can be used and integrated into daily life.

Mental uses: Employ this stone to help you understand thoughts and concepts, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed.

Emotional uses: Apatite is a good tool for becoming conscious of emotional eating to pinpoint the emotions that trigger the eating,

Physical uses: This is a good stone for dieticians, nutritionists, gastroenterologists, and any type of weight-loss or weight-gain counselor.

Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones. (Llewellyn. 2013)

by Margaret Ann Lembo

The photograph is a representation of what we have, you may not receive one of the pictured stones. Your stone will be chosen intuitively for you.

Weight 17.9 oz
Dimensions 3.5 × 3 × 1.75 in
Apatite Free Form

Medium, Small


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