Sandalwood is a fragrant wood. The tree that the wood comes from is found in Nepal, India, and Hawaii.
Mala beads, which are prayer beads used by Buddhists to keep track of mantras they chant, are often made out of sandalwood.
The scent helps you focus your mind during meditation and prayer. It instills peace and encourages spirituality.
The scent of sandalwood is also an aphrodisiac.
It is often used in rituals by Hindus, Buddhist, Wiccan, and other spiritual traditions.
~Excerpted from All About Smudging an eBook by Margaret Ann Lembo
Instructions for use: Burn on charcoal in an abalone shell or fire safe dish.
“Fragrance: exotic, lingering, subtle, woody
Affirmation: My head and my heart are aligned with the Divine. I am a miracle worker. I spread love and well-being to all beings. I am balanced, aligned, healthy, and strong. It is easy for me to stand in the center of my power and emanate love. I open myself up to the healing energy of the love and prayers that people are sending to me and focus on sending out prayers and well-being to all beings in need.
Spiritual uses: Sandalwood is well-loved for its benefits during meditation, as it elicits a quiet mind. Its fragrance has been used in the Buddhist and Hindu religious ceremonies and is used regularly in metaphysical, spiritual, and yogic practices. Mala beads, or prayer beads, are often made of sandalwood. Sandalwood helps you align with the vibrational essence of Buddha and Kuan Yin (goddess of mercy and compassion). Sandalwood helps you to improve your faith and confidence in spiritual pursuits. It aids in believing in the power of prayer.
Mental uses: Sandalwood induces a calm and quiet mind. It helps align mental processes toward self-improvement, self-actualization, and self-acceptance. Sandalwood is a tool to activate the wise scholar within and the intellect from a place of wisdom. It is beneficial for clearing your thought of anything that is not resonating at the vibration of love.”
~excerpted from The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing
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