A Little Bit of Angels: An Introduction to Spirit Guidance
by Elaine Clayton
An “angelic” entry in the popular LITTLE BIT OF series!
Angels will warn us, protect us, and enhance our lives—if we understand how to work with their energy. But how do we ask our angelic guides for intervention? Or determine if their influence is improving our lives? Intuitive author Elaine Clayton presents an accessible introduction to the fascinating and perennially popular field of angelic intervention, with practical advice we can easily integrate into our day-to-day life. See how angels can foster empathy, forgiveness, and creativity; attract your own personal angel; and communicate with your angels through dream journals.
About the Author:
Elaine Clayton is an internationally known author, artist, intuitive reader and Reiki Master, practicing in NYC and CT. Her books on intuitive intelligence include Making Marks: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing (Simon and Schuster) and Illuminara Intuitive Journal [Schiffer] She is also the author and illustrator of dozens of books for children, and has provided art for books by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jane Smiley and Wicked author Gregory Maguire, among others. Elaine teaches courses on the link between spiritual, intuitive development, visual imagery, and creative exploration at her studio, in libraries, schools, and museums. Elaine is a medium and has recorded angel sightings and experiences in sketchbooks for 30 years.
An excerpt from The Essential Guide to Everyday Angels by Margaret Ann Lembo – learn even more about angels!
“Here is an outline to get you started in your relationship with your angels:
- Identify the angel or angels you want to work and play with for your given intention.
- Write a petition to those chosen angels. Keep it simple and concise. You will find a suggested petition for each of the everyday angels included in this book.
- Keep one or more of the recommended gemstones nearby while you write and during the upcoming days, weeks, or month of manifestation.
- Use essential oils or perfumes with the indicated scents or aromatic notes to activate your olfactory senses, which will further assist you in recognizing the realization of the requested action. There is an additional list of aromatherapy blends available in the resource section toward the end of this book.
- Wear one or more of the suggested colors that match the angel(s) on duty.
- Visualize and imagine the requested everyday angels starting the process. Your imagination is one of the biggest keys to success. Use the affirmation provided repeatedly to help your intention to manifest.
- Invite the supportive archangels to help you in achieving your goals and intentions. These archangels have a specific energy or ‘job description’ and can add quite a bit of angelic assistance to you as you work with the everyday angels to design your reality and transform your life. Refer to the appendix on Supportive Archangels in the back of this book to get to know the specific archangels and how they can help you.
The world of imagination is the foundation and core for the manifestation of anything your heart desires. Imagine your life as if a certain situation already exists, and it will be so in very short order because whatever you put your attention on becomes a reality. Mindfulness and awareness of thoughts, words, and feelings are the keys to consciously creating circumstances.
The everyday angels are your entourage. In this setting, you are an important person, and these designated angels are your personal bodyguards and team players! Delegate and direct your team to assist you in achieving your goals and dreams. They will pave the way to creating the life you want and deserve.
Following the name of the everyday angel is a series of self-inquiry questions. It is the first step in getting to know yourself. Self-knowledge is a key to awakening your awareness and aids with mindfulness, the state of being present to life in each moment. These self-inquiry questions are also a form of affirmation posed as questions that you don’t need to answer. Rather, you allow them to swirl in your consciousness and subconsciousness and out into the Universe until answers naturally come forward.”
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