Virgo Room Spray
The Virgin
August 23 – September 22
Mutable Earth sign
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Dedicated, Health-conscious, Organized, Responsible
Aromatic Blend Notes: musky, earth, spicy, effervescent, root-like
“Virgo is the sixth astrological sign of the zodiac cycle and the ruler of the sixth house of the astrological chart. The sixth house is the house associated with daily routines, occupation, employees, service, food, and health. Virgo is a mutable sign, the planetary ruler is Mercury, the planet of communication, and the symbol is the virgin. The element for this sign is the Earth, which brings good energy to their qualities of responsibility, hard work, and dedication. Virgos are focused on work, health, and service. The key phrase for Virgo is “I analyze.”
People born under this sign are very resourceful, organized, and detail-oriented, though they might have a tendency to be critical
and a bit judgmental. They have no sympathy for the lazy. Virgo personalities can be anxious and suffer from nervous tension. They need to pay attention to their digestion and intestines.”
Excerpt from Crystals Beyond Beginners: Awaken Your Consciousness with Precious Gifts from the Earth
Ingredients: Water; Proprietary Blend of Medical Grade Essential Oils; Holy Waters from around the world; Sacred Site Essences from around the world; Bach Flower Essences; Gemstone Tinctures.
Synergistic proprietary formula received through Divine Inspiration by Margaret Ann Lembo.
Made with Love by Margaret Ann Lembo
The Crystal Garden, Inc.
877-444-5099 •
For external use only. Shake well.
Gemstones and Crystals for Virgo
excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)—Amazonite, apatite, blue lace agate, blue topaz, blue-dyed agate, Botswana agate, carnelian, charoite, dioptase, fluorite, iolite, kyanite, peridot, pietersite, prehnite, sapphire, silver topaz, trilobites
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