


Presenter: Margaret Ann Lembo
Date: Saturday, June 29
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Location: In-person at The Crystal Garden in Boynton Beach, FL
Price:$33 prepayment required, or $200 for All 7 Classes, non-refundable. Maximum 12

Availability: 12 in stock


Presenter: Margaret Ann Lembo
Date: Saturday, June 29
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Location: In-person at The Crystal Garden in Boynton Beach, FL
Price:$33 prepayment required, or $200 for All 7 Classes, non-refundable. Maximum 12

Recommended Reading : Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color Aromatherapy and the Power of Positive Thoughts
Chakra Awakening offers tools to transform your life. Understand how using color, crystals, and aromatherapy with positive affirmations changes your life. You will learn about self-observation, the power of intention, and how to merge that with the world of crystals. The information about crystals provides you with a tool for amplifying your thoughts and consciousness.

June 29 – PASTEL BLUE AND TURQUOISE – Throat Chakra
“The pastel blue energy of the throat chakra extends in a band of energy around the neck. It encompasses the area around the ears, nose and mouth. The energy is blue, like the color of the sky and turquoise. This chakra enhances communication, both on a physical level and a celestial level. The throat chakra is the place to connect with Divine timing, angels and invisible guides.

The primary color associated with the throat is pastel blue, yet it also holds the vibration of all shades of blue, including the blue green colors that you see in shades of turquoise, amazonite and apatite.”

– excerpted from Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy And The Power Of Positive Thought by Margaret Ann Lembo

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